Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Sunday, January 3, 2016

President’s younger bro cheating on ‘Free WiFi’ to destroy Ranil’s most welcome project

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -04.Jan.2016, 1.45AM) At the last presidential elections it was promised that free WiFi will be made available to the people of Sri Lanka (SL) ,and that was a most essential project launched by prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe for the benefit of the younger generation and their future.  Sadly this salutary project  has now been converted by  Kumarasinghe Sirisena ,the SLT chairman ( the younger  brother of the president ) along with the SLT into a project which deceives  the people . This is how the deceit is being practised to the detriment of the nation ……..
If this free service is to be utilized , one has to be a customer of the SLT. ( if you are not already a customer ,the usage is limited to 100 megabytes – a very small capacity.) Unlike in other countries  , one cannot  connect directly with the WiFi and use the internet. 
Firstly , one must register oneself at one of the branches of the SLT, and using the password they issue the internet can be accessed. All the usage and downloads using the password will be deducted  from the SLT package already used by the customer. In other words , finally this so called free internet usage is indirectly included in the paid internet package . Clearly this is an absolute unalloyed deception practised on the people.
If this kind of deception is practised in any other country , it is cock sure , the government will take action against it . But in SL since the SLT is under Kumarasinghe Sirisena the younger brother of the president and as the latter  is the highest in the hierarchy , even a Kindergarten child  will understand why no action is being taken against the SLT. 
The SLT that can spend wastefully millions of rupees towards holding  musical shows   , being unable to provide the unlimited package or 100 % free WiFi  and is  resorting to mendacity and hypocrisy , because  this welcome project which would prove to be a great boon to the people is the brainchild  of Ranil Wickremesinghe . It is therefore the consensus among the people ,this is a conspiracy  to destroy this  beneficial project and make it  look a bane before the people , so that the P.M. can be rendered unpopular. 
by     (2016-01-03 20:18:03)