by Rajan Philips-January 4, 2016, 12:45 am

With due apologies for dredging up Port City material on the last hangover day after the festival season, I think it is appropriate to raise the issue that to-date the Sirisena-Wickremesinghe government has not made a formal statement telling the people the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the Port City project. I would suggest that such a statement must come from President Sirisena as a statement in parliament, and that it should be followed by a parliamentary debate, no matter what such a debate might be worth. The President owes it to the people to tell them through the parliament they elected the truth about the following: what are the specific mistakes, improprieties and shortcomings, if any, in the approvals granted and agreements signed by the Rajapaksa government; and how and to what extent are these mistakes, improprieties and shortcomings being addressed in the approvals that are about to be given and new agreements that will be signed by the present government.