Amending Executive Powers Former CJ takes reins

July 31, 2014
A Committee headed by former Chief Justice, Sarath Nanda Silva has been appointed to draft an amendment to the Constitution in the form of limiting the powers of the Executive Presidency, implementing the 17th Amendment with further amendments, and to completely do away with the preferential vote system.
The new draft will strengthen the positions of the Prime Minister, ministers and powers afforded to the Parliament, while also strengthening the powers of the independent Public Service Commission, Elections Commission, Judicial Service Commission and the National Police Commission as included in the 17th Amendment.
"Jathika Hela Urumaya Parliamentarian, Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thera has handed over the responsibility of this task to me. I am working independently using my experience. After I have completed the draft, it will go to another group of intellectuals to get some feedback. This is really an effort to lessen the unlimited powers afforded to the President. After the Uva Provincial Council election is done we will hand this over to the President as we want him to implement our amendments to the Constitution," Silva added.
However, Sri Lanka Freedom Party internal sources confirmed President Mahinda Rajapaksa had just last week invited Silva and Attorney General, Palitha Fernando to discuss the matter. However, the latter had not attended the discussion.

July 31, 2014
A Committee headed by former Chief Justice, Sarath Nanda Silva has been appointed to draft an amendment to the Constitution in the form of limiting the powers of the Executive Presidency, implementing the 17th Amendment with further amendments, and to completely do away with the preferential vote system.
The new draft will strengthen the positions of the Prime Minister, ministers and powers afforded to the Parliament, while also strengthening the powers of the independent Public Service Commission, Elections Commission, Judicial Service Commission and the National Police Commission as included in the 17th Amendment.
"Jathika Hela Urumaya Parliamentarian, Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thera has handed over the responsibility of this task to me. I am working independently using my experience. After I have completed the draft, it will go to another group of intellectuals to get some feedback. This is really an effort to lessen the unlimited powers afforded to the President. After the Uva Provincial Council election is done we will hand this over to the President as we want him to implement our amendments to the Constitution," Silva added.
However, Sri Lanka Freedom Party internal sources confirmed President Mahinda Rajapaksa had just last week invited Silva and Attorney General, Palitha Fernando to discuss the matter. However, the latter had not attended the discussion.