Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, October 5, 2012

Concern over Sri Lanka kidney disease
05 Oct 2012 
Incurable ailment linked to farming chemicals prompts calls for controls on pesticide use.

Thousands of Sri Lankans suffer from an incurable kidney disease that researchers have linked to chemicals used in modern agriculture.
Unlike other kidney conditions, Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology or CKDu has baffled the medical community.
Now the World Health Organisation is calling for better controls on the use of pesticides and fertilisers in Sri Lanka.
Al Jazeera's Minelle Fernandez reports from Anuradhapura.

BUDDHIST MONKS Urge govt. to stop import of harmful pesticides
By Sriyani Wijesinghe-Sunday 23 September 2012

led a mass demonstration in Colombo last week urging the government to take action to control the kidney disease prevalent in the North Central Province, and to stop importing pesticides which contain arsenic and mercury.
Ruling UPFA MP Athuraliye Rathana Thera charged that some members of the UPFA regime have become beholden to multinational firms that are into importing pesticides brands of inferior quality, due to the large-scale commissions that they would accrue to them, and said that it is time to inform the public of the double standards practiced by this administration.

Time for a wake-up call
In addition to the kidney disease that is spreading rapidly in the Anuradhapura district, cancer too has started to spread its tentacles in the same region. It is alleged that cancer has started to claim lives of both the young and old, irrespective of their gender, and sources say that the number of cancer patients have increased a hundred fold. The thera said that the time has come to give the government a wake-up call in order to make them realize the gravity of the3-2 situation and that a programme in this regard would commence in the near future.
Ven. Athuraliye Thera charged that something sinister is going on since the government is not prepared to publicize the WHO report which has detailed the reasons for the kidney disease in the NCP escalating, and charged that even state officials are acting according to the dictates of multinational firms. He added that the conduct of the pesticides registrar too has left much to be desired.
The pesticides registrar had initially branded 10 pesticides products as being unhealthy for humans but subsequently this same person had deemed that there is no issue with the pesticides that were initially declared as not suitable for use.

Stringent action
The thera therefore questioned what type of action should be taken against such officials, and went on to say that the most stringent possible action should be taken against such officials. He added that if the government fails to take action against such individuals, he will personally take the initiative to punish those responsible for such issues.
Ven. Rathana Thera averred that around 20,000 farmers have fallen victim to the kidney disease in the NCP and that a further 100,000 are already receiving treatment for the same, countrywide.
He said as a result, the lifespan of the people in the country is in threat of being curtailed.
‘There are several theories; I don’t know which one is correct’
- Mahinda Yapa Abeywardene
3-1If Ven. Rathana Thera says that the government has been manipulated by companies involved in importing pesticides products and brands, and therefore the masses will be brought to the streets to launch a massive protest against the government in this regard, I think it is a good move. As a responsible Cabinet minister I too will extend my support towards such an endeavour.
However, I do not intend to delve at length on pesticides and such products as there are different institutes that have been set up to deal with these issues.
Some say that one of the main reasons for the rapid spread of kidney disease is the presence of lethal toxins such as arsenic in pesticides and water being contaminated with these chemicals.
We need to go deep into these matters. And there is no problem if experts in the field, the masses, religious leaders and politicians talk about these issues at length.
But there are several theories that have been put across and I do not know which is correct at the moment.
There are also several bodies that have been set up to look into such matters. I am only the Minister of Agriculture. What I would like to tell the people is if pesticides and other such products are of inferior quality then do abstain from using them. If they do need to use these products then I would advise that they be used moderately.