Militant Sinhalese Buddhist Nationalism: Context Of The Religious Freedom
April 25, 2012
By Uvindu Kurukulasuriya -

A Despicable Act -
Ven. Bellanvila Vimalarathana
Ven. Bellanvila Vimalarathana
When the Christians all over the world were preparing to celebrate the Good News of Christmas, Sri Lanka has exhibited its disposition to the whole world by sending a piece of despicable news. That is the news of setting fire for the second time, to the Katuwana Roman Catholic Church at Homagama .
The culprits who committed this crime have so far not been apprehended. But it has been clear that there is one particular group behind the attack on this church and some hundred odd other churches throughout the country. The cause for alarm is that these people have been allowed to engage all along in their fanatical activities.
It is the everybody’s responsibility to make Sri Lanka a place suitable for human living, by getting involved in defeating decisively this extremist mania. Read More