(Lanka-e-News-26.Feb.2012,11.45PM) Lawyer Chandra Liyanaraachi , the new ‘brother in law’ of defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse has also demanded that the ‘offensive respect’ given to defense Secretary be extended to him too, according to reports reaching Lanka e news.
This Liyanaraachchi who is possessed by the devilish respect attaching to Gota has threatened another Lawyer .
Based on reports , Liyanarachi has demanded instead of commanding respect as follows :
While Liyanarachchi was reading a newspaper in the Lawyers rest room , he had begun yelling out at and scolding another Lawyer who had courteously asked him to pass the newspaper to him after he had finished reading.
Liyanarachi has in his mad fury dashed the newspaper on the ground and screamed at the Lawyer who asked for the newspaper without using any provocative words ,’ you are the one who is ruining our family. It is you who is passing news to the websites. You shut up. I will teach you a good lesson’, Liyanarachi has shouted at the top of his voice.
Chandra Liyanarachchi is the father of the girl whom Gotabaya’s son married recently. It is a fact that so far nothing has been posted in the websites , Rajapakses apart , against Liyanrachchis. If Liyanarachchi has taken upon himself the insults following the charges made against his ‘brother in law’ Gota , then he too is possessed by the ‘offensive respect’ starving demon of Gota, in which case he must blame Gota and not outsiders , for it is Gota’s demon that has possessed him and not anybody else’s.
The suspicion harbored by Liyanarachchi that those around him are passing information to websites is a serious paranoid mental condition deserving treatment from a mental asylum doctor. Apparently he has been infected by this same psychotic condition that afflicts the Rajapakses who have also become suspicious of all those around them , including the Govt.’s own Ministers and MPs, since of late.
On the other hand if Liyanarachchi and Rajapakses are diagnosed as sane , then there is another cure for their maladies , they taking measures to rectify their own countless faults.
The suspicion harbored by Liyanarachchi that those around him are passing information to websites is a serious paranoid mental condition deserving treatment from a mental asylum doctor. Apparently he has been infected by this same psychotic condition that afflicts the Rajapakses who have also become suspicious of all those around them , including the Govt.’s own Ministers and MPs, since of late.
On the other hand if Liyanarachchi and Rajapakses are diagnosed as sane , then there is another cure for their maladies , they taking measures to rectify their own countless faults.