During the final phase of the war , a decisive battle took place when the 58th Corp from the Karayamulli Waikkal approached Mulitivu north and the group from the 59th Corp from Sarvathottam advanced towards its South and fought out against the LTTE who had besieged the entire eastern coast of SL near the Wadduwan bridge at that time. It was Lieutenant Colonel Ramesh Fernando the commanding chief of the 583 regiment during that period who gave orders to the 58th Corp.
He was the officer in charge of the 7th Sinha regiment. Now he holds the position of a Colonel. But , that is only until today (24). After that he will be ‘kicked out’ from the forces. This is the result of the paranoia and fear gripping the sinister defense Secretary Gotabaya better known as Bayagotha , who can see no one who is a friend of the great war hero Sarath Fonseka direct in the eye without self - guilt and suspicion . Gota’s inordinate fear in respect of them has made him a psychotic maniac before them out of sheer guilt and fear.
Ramesh Fernando was the officer in charge of the 7th Sinha regiment. Now he holds the position of a Colonel. But , that is only until today (24). After that he will be ‘kicked out’ from the forces. This is because of the paranoia and fear gripping the sinister defense Secretary Gotabaya better known as Bayagotha , who can look at no one who is a friend of the great war hero Sarath Fonseka direct in the eye without self - guilt and suspicion . Gota’s inordinate fear in respect of them has made him a psychotic maniac before them. .Bayagotha who views every officer in the Sinha regiment under former army Commander Gen. Sarath Fonseka , the true war hero with apprehension and suspicion, has dismissed this officer from service with effect from 1st March without adducing any reason.
He was an officer who fought day and night under Gen. Sarath Fonseka in the battle to capture the Jaffna Fort. He spent 80 % of his Army life in the battle field . It is a cruel irony that such a patriotic officer in the Army is coming under the wicked axe of a traitorous officer (now defense secretary) who fled the country in fear of the war and remained abroad for 15 long years without sparing a single thought for the country during the raging war. It is indeed unfortunate that this patriotic officer Ramesh Fernando is being permitted to be victimized by a traitorous officer of the country , Gotabaya Rajapakse who fled in fear and came back to take the kudos of the war victory , when it ought to be the other way around.– Ramesh Fernando the conscientious and dedicated Army officer is being discarded like coconut refuse after all his loyal service.
There are so many superior officers of the Forces who have met with similar fates after the war was won. Even their pensions had not been properly arranged. All of them are in dire financial straits.
The cardboard patriots like Weerawansas and Champikas make loud speeches (though empty) about the war events and victory . But when all the Commanding chief officers of the Forces who directly spearheaded the war operations are being dismissed ruthlessly and sent home un-ceremonially , are these cardboard patriots so deaf and blind as not to know the sufferings and abysmal hardships faced by these officers? Are the gaze of these cardboard patriots fixed on looking for ways and means how to line their pockets and gain a cheap political plus point only? This truly patriotic Army Colonel Romesh Fernando sent home yesterday was the last so far in the long line of patriotic officers by this so called regime of (cardboard) patriots .
Among those Commanding chiefs who were involved in the final battle against the LTTE , only training division Director Brigadier Ralph Nugera and STF commanding chief Colonel Harendra Ranasinghe have been permitted to continue with their tasks. This is because these officers abjectly surrendered to bootlicking the regime and stooping to any low sordid levels to do the biddings on behalf of the regime.
In the circumstances Weerawansas and Champikas who are masquerading as great patriots and screaming about foreign conspiracies must at least now remove their cheap masks bought from pavements to cover their shamelessly disgraceful identities . It is not too late , and isn’t it time now for the true patriots to come forward and chase these traitors once and for all who are selling the country and the honor of the war heroes, and rescue it from the clutches of these masqueraders and accomplished hypocrites?
The cardboard patriots like Weerawansas and Champikas make loud speeches (though empty) about the war events and victory . But when all the Commanding chief officers of the Forces who directly spearheaded the war operations are being dismissed ruthlessly and sent home un-ceremonially , are these cardboard patriots so deaf and blind as not to know the sufferings and abysmal hardships faced by these officers? Are the gaze of these cardboard patriots fixed on looking for ways and means how to line their pockets and gain a cheap political plus point only? This truly patriotic Army Colonel Romesh Fernando sent home yesterday was the last so far in the long line of patriotic officers by this so called regime of (cardboard) patriots .
Among those Commanding chiefs who were involved in the final battle against the LTTE , only training division Director Brigadier Ralph Nugera and STF commanding chief Colonel Harendra Ranasinghe have been permitted to continue with their tasks. This is because these officers abjectly surrendered to bootlicking the regime and stooping to any low sordid levels to do the biddings on behalf of the regime.
In the circumstances Weerawansas and Champikas who are masquerading as great patriots and screaming about foreign conspiracies must at least now remove their cheap masks bought from pavements to cover their shamelessly disgraceful identities . It is not too late , and isn’t it time now for the true patriots to come forward and chase these traitors once and for all who are selling the country and the honor of the war heroes, and rescue it from the clutches of these masqueraders and accomplished hypocrites?