Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Land in the North and East of Sri Lanka: Concern and confusion over Government circular *groundviews journalism For citizens

Image credit Jeremy Suyker, via Foto8

The Government recently unveiled a policy regarding land in the North and East through the introduction of a Cabinet Memorandum (memo) titled ‘Regularize Land Management in Northern and Eastern Provinces,’ which was subsequently followed by a Land Circular (circular) titled ‘Regulating the Activities Regarding Management of Lands in the Northern and Eastern Provinces’ (Circular No: 2011/04) issued on 22nd July by the Land Commissioner Generals Department in Colombo in order to operationalise the memo.
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Tamils stage demonstrations outside UN headquarters when President addresses assembly – not one to support Govt. organized counter protest!

Saturday 24 of September 2011
(Lanka-e-News -24.Sep.2011, 2.30The President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapakse who took a mega delegation to New York using up colossal amount of state funds addressed the 66th UN assembly on yesterday. 

At that moment , a protest was staged by the Tamils abroad in front of the UN Headquarters. The large crowd which staged the demonstrations braved the inclement weather in New York and the continuous rains which came down. The protestors demanded that punishment be meted out against Rajapakse on war crimes and to conduct fair investigations into the thousands of civilians who died during the war .    
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