Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Is Modi Spreading Hindutva Fascism To Sri Lanka?

It appears Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, representing RSS Hindutva fascism, is spreading his hatred towards Sri Lankan Muslims.
On the day the newly elected President Gotabaya Rajapaksa assumed office Mr Modi dispatched his Foreign Minister Subramanian Jaishanker to meet President Gotabaya. Writing about this in Colombo Telegraph under the title India’s carrot and stick to President Rajapaksa Rajeewa Jayaweera had this to state;
Less than 72 hours after Gotabaya Rajapaksa took oaths as the seventh Executive President of Sri Lanka, an unannounced and uninvited visitor arrived in the country. Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar landed in Colombo as Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s special envoy, with an invitation for the Sri Lankan President to visit India. Mr Jaishankar also reportedly conveyed India’s expectations to President Gotabaya.
Following his visit to Colombo Mr Jaishankar had stated in the Rajya Sabha that “President Gotabaya assured us that he is the President for all Sri Lankans. We need to look at that assurance and obviously whatever discussions happen during his visit would demonstrate where that assurance holds”.
Since then in all his statements Mr Modi has repeatedly spoken about the rights of Tamils. Addressing the media jointly during President Gotabaya’s visit to New Delhi following closed-door bilateral talks during which only an Indian translator, no Sri Lankan note-taker, was present, Mr Modi said;
“President Rajapaksa told me about his inclusive political outlook on ethnic harmony. I am confident that the Government of Sri Lanka will carry forward the process of reconciliation, to fulfil the aspirations of the Tamils for equality, justice, peace and respect. It also includes the implementation of the 13th amendment.
However Mr Modi never mentioned a word about the third important community in the island – the Muslims. Knowing his racist mindset of extreme hostility, Muslims cannot expect Mr Modi to be humane to them.
Then came the news about India’s offer of a US$ 400m line of credit for infrastructure and development and a further US$ 50m to combat terrorism.
During following day’s talks with Premier Modi, matters related to the security of the two nations received priority. “India has always assisted Sri Lanka to enhance our capabilities in intelligence and counter-terrorism. “We look forward to continue support in this regard “said Mr Modi.
Now the question is why combat so called terrorism at a time when there is no terrorism in the island. The only terrorism in the island is planned and organized by a small group of RSS type Sinhala racist attacks on innocent and unarmed Muslims.These senseless attacks began in the aftermath of the defeat of LTTE in May 2009 and continued with greater intensity in the wake of Easter Sunday massacre.
Government ministers and Cardinal Rev Malcolm Ranjith repeatedly stated that foreign forces were involved in the Easter Sunday attacks which resembled thousands of RSS attacks on Indian Muslims since the partition of the country in 1947. However to date Maithri-Ranil’s former government has failed to disclose who these foreign forces were.
According to reports Indian intelligence informed Sri Lankan authorities of the anticipated Easter Sunday attacks as early as 4 April 2019. Speculations were that both Israel intelligence MOSSAD and RSS were involved in the attacks. However racist mercenaries in the media refused to disclose this aspect.
On the other hand Narendra Modi is no angel of peace. He, as Chief Minister, was accused of committing genocide on Guajarati Muslims in February 2002. He was declared persona non grata by most countries in the world including US and many other European countries. This very same Modi is prime minister of India-the largest democracy in the world. He also speaks about terrorism and the Brahmin controlled media give wide publicity.
He has unleashed violence against Muslims ever since elected to power six years ago. The BJP’s Uttar Chief Minister Aditya Yogi has asked his Hindutva thugs to dig out dead and buried Muslim women from graves and rape. This barbarity continues unabated to date. This is the plight of the great ancient country of India, where religions and civilizations flourished.
It is common knowledge that Israel and India ,under the Washington-Tel Aviv,New Delhi axis, have got together to corner the entire Middle East and bring South Asia under their influence. BJP General Secretary Ram Madhav once told Al Jazeera that the border of Greater India stretches from Afghanistan to South Asia. The message is clear to knowledgeable Sri Lankans. This is the reason why we in Sri Lanka need to be cautious about Indian and Israeli presence here.
It is true that RSS type Sinhala racist violence poisoned the minds of innocent Sinhalese against Muslims. The result was the election of a president predominantly by majority Sinhalese votes.
Inevitably the country is divided between majority Sinhalese and minorities. It is make or break time for the newly elected President Gotabaya. Tamils and Muslims have clearly stated their intention to set aside the past sufferings and work together with the new president.
It is up to president Gotabya to bring communities together and move the country ahead. The need of the hour is communal harmony to turn this beautiful island once again into a paradise where everyone could live in harmony.