Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rajapaksas Know We Are Stupid

logoEaster Sunday massacre is perhaps the biggest setback Sri Lankans have had to face in the last ten years. How barbaric can a human being be to bomb people at prayer? The attacks were coordinated but the responses by an inept government and stalking opposition were not. The politicians have reached a new low and so has been the debate by a foolish, slavish majority. It is widely known that Sri Lankans have given a new meaning to “literacy levels”.
They imagine that they are highly literate (not intelligent or wise) and mistake it for wisdom and high capacity of thought. Stuff and nonsense. One has only to scroll down articles in social media to the comments section and all of them descend to support the Rajapaksa clan and or Wickremesinghe or castigating one or the other. That is the sum total of our literate debate.
The dastardly act is done. Families have been dismembered. The impact on the surviving members will be felt once the dust settles. Sri Lanka has to think positive. The narrative must move from tragedy to a positive mode to bring normalcy and get the economy back on track. People have shown that they wish to forge a single identity and recognise the diversity of race and religion. There is no time to vacillate. The empathy of the international community will last until the next catastrophe elsewhere.
What is shocking is that the Rajapaksa clan have not changed their style nor lost any shame in the face of this national tragedy. Mahinda ran to the scene of the crime to score some brownie points. It did not take long for Gotabaya and Mahinda to blame the government for not taking action on intelligence reports received prior to attacks. That is a valid charge. But they did not stop at that. They went on to say,
a) The present government imprisoned Army Intelligence Officers,
b) Gotabaya reasserted that he will run for President and crack down on Islamic terrorism.
How naive or how smart are they? The answer to that remains as to how intelligent or stupid Sri Lankans are.
The Intelligence Group who are imprisoned are held on charges of murder, rape, abduction and other offences. They have been committed to remand by a Judge and not a political party. That too for carrying out orders of, well you know who.
If this Intelligence Group was not in prison, the Rajapaksa’s allude that the suicide bombings would not have taken place. They would have acted upon the intel reports. Whoa!!!
How was it that the very same Intelligence Groups who are now in remand but very much active during Gotabaya’s reign as Secretary to the Ministry of Defence did not even get the intel that the LTTE was going to bomb him at Colpetty? Huh?
During the multi-religious meeting with President Sirisena, the Chief Mufti informs Maithripala Sirisena that as far back as 2014 he met Gotabaya, who was the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and warned him about this same radical Muslim group but he did nothing more than pass it on to his Army Intelligence team who in turn turned a blind eye. ( See date on the document)
If that is not proof enough watch the video.
Let us sympathise with the families that lost members and do what is necessary to compensate them. Let us lend support to the injured and pray for their recovery. Let us stand together as one nation accepting the diversity of race and religion. But most of all respecting our fellow human beings. Once that is done, let us not vote for this bunch.

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