More skeletons found in Mannar mass grave

By Saman Indrajith and Dinasena Rathugamage-October 2, 2018, 10:57 pm
The number of human skeletons unearthed from the Mannar mass grave had risen to 146 by yesterday, Prof. Raj Somadeva, who leads the forensic archaeological investigation into the grave told The Island.
Prof. Somadeva said those skeletal remains had been dug from a 30 per cent extent of a dig, covering 12 by 8 metre plot, behind the Mannar CWE building.
Preliminary identification has determined that there are 17 skeletons of children among those numbering 146.
Prof. Somadeva said it was not possible to say when excavation process would be complete. Samples of skeletons would be sent to Beta Analytic Radio Carbon dating lab in Florida for the scientific dating of the findings, he added.
He said that Judicial Medical Officer of the General Hospital, Mannar, Dr. Saminda Rajapaksa was conducting forensic studies on the skeletal remains.
Dr. Rajapaksa said fresh skeletal remains continued to be unearthed and excavations would continue till they uncovered all such remains. Excavations had also revealed pieces of pottery and pearls, he noted.
According to Dr. Rajapaksa some remains, found so far, appeared to have suspicious lacerations from sharp objects. He, however, said that it was too early for conclusions to be drawn as there should be further analysis.
Dr. Rajapaksa said that as per investigations, so far conducted, it could be observed that some skeletal remains had been placed in a methodical manner in one part of the grave, but elsewhere, the placement of the remains was irregular. Some skeletal remains had been sealed and placed at the Mannar Magistrate’s Court, he said.
The human skeletal remains were first found by some construction workers who excavated the site behind the CWE Building in Mannar for a development project on May 25. On the same day a complaint was lodged with the Mannar Police of the findings. Investigations began under the supervision of former Mannar Magistrate Alex Raja. Excavations commenced, on May 28, after it was determined by a team of scientists that the area contained undisturbed skeletons.
The police produced parts of skeletal remains before the Mannar District Judge and the judge ordered the police to excavate the site under the supervision of experts.
As the excavation work continued and more and more skeletal remains were recovered, it was concluded that the place was a mass grave.
Judge J. T. Prabhakaran, who succeeded Judge Alex Raja, as District Judge Mannar, gave some important rulings with regard to the Mannar mass grave. The excavations of the site are now being carried out under the supervision of incumbent Mannar Magistrate T. Swarnaraj.