President, PM Security Forces and TNA discuss release of land

President Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, members of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and the Chiefs of the Security Forces discussed on how to expedite release of lands in the North and East.
TNA MP Mavai Senathirajah told the Daily Mirror that his party stressed the need for expediting the release of lands held by the security forces to the rightful civilian owners, when Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe visited the North recently.
Mr Senathirajah said a decision was made to have a broad discussion with the President, and the security forces, while Prime Minister also agreed to participate in it.
“We stressed the release of lands as a major issue as it is long overdue. The Government promised to release lands six months after coming into power, but it had not been done although two-and-half years have passed since the Government was elected into office,” he said.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister had stated that the Government hoped to go ahead with several projects in the North, including the Palali Regional Airport Development Project, Paranthan Industrial Zone, Kankesanthurai IT Zone and the development of the Pooneryn Town.
He had told Government officials to focus on fulfilling the needs of the people in the North rather than thinking of their facilities.
“Some Government officials complain about lack of vehicles and other facilities. We accept that there are shortcomings, but one should focus on fulfilling the needs of the people,” he told officials.
A special committee comprising representatives of all Ministries had been appointed to look into the development in the region. (Yohan Perera)