If Tamil youths of North are to wage armed struggle again it is like climbing a Murunga tree –Wigneswaran
Taking to arms in North and the South only courted defeat !

When some journalists met the chief minister in Jaffna and questioned about the absence of signs of the government going for a new constitution , the chief minister’s first reply was , without patience nothing can be achieved.
When the common objectives cannot be accomplished , after waiting for a short while , taking to arms to achieve those has always been the practice in the country throughout history , yet never has any victory been secured by taking to arms , the chief minister pointed out.
When the common objectives cannot be accomplished , after waiting for a short while , taking to arms to achieve those has always been the practice in the country throughout history , yet never has any victory been secured by taking to arms , the chief minister pointed out.
Since there are no indications so far that the rights of the Tamil people of the North and East will not be ensured via a constitutional amendment which was promised by the government, the Tamil people and the politicians must wage a struggle to make sure no room is allowed to change that stance . But that should not be an armed struggle, the Chief minister has asserted.
Meanwhile , at the invitation of the speaker , the chief minister of the North who arrived in parliament on the 25 th , has had discussions with the speaker and Dhammika Dasanayake , the Gen. Secretary of Parliament .
Dinasena Rathugamage
Translated by Jeff
by (2017-11-29 21:30:54)
by (2017-11-29 21:30:54)