Better Have Even A Tamil President? What’s Wrong With That Abayatissa Hamuduruwo?

A Tamil?
A report appeared in the Island (25/10) that Revd Dr Medagoda Abayatissa of the Sunethradevi Pirivena has declared, “it is better for the country to have even a Tamil as President than to be divided.” He said this addressing the media at the National Library and Documentation Centre.
Yes, Revd Dr Abayatissa. What ever could be wrong about having a Tamil as President? The term,”even,” in your assertion suggests that to pick a Tamil is not quite right and, maybe, only an unfortunate last resort. Why?
the pivotal role played by our Tamil and Muslim brethren in the struggle for independence from the colonial masters? Ponnambalam Ramanathan, Ponnambalam Arunachalam, TB Jayah, M.C Siddi Lebbe and others who fought along with Sinhala leaders to convince the British that our island can be governed as one entity. For hundreds of years these people have been living together with us sharing, caring, and contributing toward our island. Contrary to your prejudice, isn’t it a wonderful thing to have a Tamil as our President? A great and wise move that heals? Remember how Pandit Nehru went up to Ali Jinnah and beckoned the latter to be India’s first Prime Minister? Nehru made this gesture when Jinnah was planning a break-away Pakistan. Is this kind of move not in your political vocabulary?
Or is it that you really think our minorities are inferior specimens? In the name of Buddhism-leave alone common sense- please educate us? Buddhist teachings are unfaltering about man’s equal biology and equal human rights. Have you heard of the four Brahma Viharas that the Buddha urged his followers to practice; not merely to practice, but to build into their lives? Metta (sincere friendliness) is the primary of them and Karuna (compassion) follows Metta. You don’t seem to follow either. Second, your historical memory of how our country got independence obliterates the pivotal role of Tamil and Muslim leaders in that struggle.
Phobia Creation
The ‘Bring Back Rajapaksa Campaign,’ commenced on the feet of the defeat of Mahinda Rajapaksa. The Rajapaksa family and cohorts of various ranks and levels who enjoyed a decade of financial benefits from the franchising of corruption throughout the island banded together as they had to smell the impending danger. Evidently and surprisingly, government has been in no hurry to make them meet their ditta dhamma vedaneeya karma. These Rajapaksians, on the other hand, had more politically savvy than the government and they thought it best to keep the heat up. A new device of serially constructing phobias followed.
Monster bogeys were created but they have all flopped with the passing of time when events belied the false charges. Came the security question first: “Our country’s security is in serious danger,’ was the slogan. We now know it is not. Then, came the ‘selling the country bogey.’ That could not be sustained as people have been made to realise that no selling, really, has taken place-certainly not up to the level the previous regime sold. Government managed to get the upper hand in countering the move. A rare toughness was demonstrated there. Next, came the bogey about the protection clauses for Buddhism being taken away from the proposed constitution. That, too, hissed out-although not like soda. Now, it is the heightened campaign that the island is to be divided, devolved, and delivered to the Tamils and Muslims on a platter!