Profits Galore In The Islam & Muslim Bashing Industry

How many of us have heard or at least seen Pam Geller? A face like no other. American political activist and commentator known for her anti-Islamic writings, Sponsored “Draw the Prophet” campaign. Her blogging in the United States are against what she terms as “Creeping Sharia” in the country. Multiple groups have described Geller as rabidly Islamophobic.
She spew so much anti-Muslim crap, it’s a kind of an unarrestable and untreatable diarrhea. Gets lethal each time she appears on Fox. Nonetheless it must be admitted that it’s great work on her part as a staunch pro-Israel activist to deflect automated genocidal machinations in Gaza and other appalling atrocities her protagonist Benjamin Netanyahu brazenly continues in occupied Palestine. More importantly keeping the American public brainwashed and ill-informed. She in essence epitomizes Zionism’s neon lights and its selective illumination.
Muslim-bashing is growing and growing rapidly in America and the world. Sri Lanka is no exception. Sri Lanka is certainly keeping the spirit alive. Though the original defacto authors of the Islam and Muslim bashing campaign are currently dethroned antics of shenanigans allied to them continue unabated. Confirmed scammers, quack exorcists, inveterate drunkards and incorrigible rapists continue their thing.
Compassion and Buddhism are so synonymous. As Sri Lankans we don’t fail to hear this at least by word especially on Poya days when loudspeakers are heard far and loud. “When a dog sees her puppies in pain she develops the wish to protect them and free them from pain, and this compassionate wish is her Buddha seed. Unfortunately, however, animals have no ability to train in compassion, and so their Buddha seed cannot ripen. Human beings, though, have a great opportunity to develop their Buddha nature” There was a golden opportunity to see the Buddha seed come into fruition by showing compassion to a deserving people. It was not to be so. Some thugs in saffron robes doing a great disservice to Buddha and Buddhism.
Radical Buddhist monks stormed a United Nations safe house for Rohingya refugees and forced a much puzzled authorities to relocate the group. The vituperative language used by some was simply unbearable. Saffron-robed Buddhist monks led an unruly mob that vandalized homes and frightened refugees. It was another sad day for Sri Lanka. Didn’t they see the anxious women? Didn’t they see the shocked children?
In a technologically integrated world news travels faster than light. Some Sri Lankan Buddhist expatriates living in Europe expressed absolute horror at what their brothers back home were doing. Compared to how they were accepted, accommodated and fed by the “suddah” what was emanating from public TV screens were disgusting to say the least.
We continue to witness worse examples on a daily basis. Islam-bashing and Muslim-bashing probably are the most profitable pursuits today. Corrupt and crooked politicians are seen doing it with direct involvement sans any qualms or consequences and through well lubricated proxies.
The “War on terror” is the larger banner emboldening these bent and mendacious politicians world over. Conceived and catapulted into action by none other than George Walker Bush and his erstwhile buddy now under a cloud Tony Blair. It has certainly helped condition the minds and mental pre-occupation of the world’s public.
Constant portrayal of that infamous steel defying aircraft coming out from the other side of one of the well-fortified mass of solid and impregnable steel of the twin tower is such a great and psychologically pinioning image. Its ingeniously contrived strategy to keep Muslims and others permanently shut and handcuffed. Interestingly in double quick time the rest of the world learnt how to control the Muslims.
On a lighter note let’s hope the imaginative and intelligent graphic/motion artist/s, the infinitely talented probably picked from Madison Avenue will one day tell their stories atleast in their death beds like the way many have in the recent past, haughtily scoffed and overlooked by mainstream media.
The Islamophobia Industry is flourishing and there is no two words about it. The rising tide is quite disturbing and is sweeping through United States, Europe and the world. Bloggers, right-wing talk show hosts, extremist evangelical religious leaders and bankrupt yet crafty politicians, all united in their pronounced quest to exhume the ghosts of 9/11 and convince their compatriots that Islam is the present enemy and has to be fought tooth and nail. The propaganda machine well underway and generously financed. People like Pam Gellar adroitly doing the amazing PR work.
Why do you fund these sinister groups who orchestrate such untold mischief? It’s simple. There is clear political benefit. Stoking fear and suspicions of fellow minority citizens always works. Is it an inherent yet misdiagnosed pathology of contemporary democracy? I wouldn’t know.
Benefits for insidious ploys flow once actors are identified. In the US flowing the anti-Muslim advocates in the 2016 presidential race were many but Donald J Trump was the favorite and darling. Bottom line is that the anti-Muslim industry is lucrative and not going anywhere soon.