Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Karannagoda to get fleet admiral rank from president

Karannagoda to get fleet admiral rank from president

Sep 05, 2017

Reports say president Maithripala Sirisena is going to promote former Navy commander Wasantha Karannagoda to the rank of fleet admiral. The highest rank in the Navy, it is similar in rank to that of field marshal of the Army.

However, it is amusing on one hand and tragic on the other that Karannagoda is to be so given a promotion as the CID is going to arrest him.
It is likely that he will have no escape due to the exposures made in the investigations into the abduction for ransom taking and enforced disappearance of 11 Tamil youths by the Navy in 2008. To wash his hands off it, Karannagoda says he lodged a complaint against his bodyguard Sampath Munasinghe. However, there is evidence that Karannagoda knew that Munasinghe and the other Navy men had abducted and detained the youth, and the complaint he has lodged was over a personal dispute.
Previously, LNW exposed the Rs. 160 million house at Gunasekara Gardens in Nawala and Rs. 190 million house at Senanayake Avenue in Nawala, owned by Karannagoda. He should explain how he earned the money to buy those properties.
If the law takes its due course, the ‘fleet admiral’ Karannagoda will have to end up in remand prison. It is tragic that the president himself bends the law and protects a criminal.
At the SLFP anniversary speech yesterday (04), the president said the accusations against the war heroes were beyond the seas. But, here, what had happened was that the Navy men, who should have been at sea, had come ashore, abducted, detained, tortured and killed persons. So, this is surely an internal matter.