Doctor mafia and politicos seek to rescue drunken doctors charged with attempted rape ! JMO issues fake certificate!

Based on information reaching Lanka e news inside information division , the chief minister of the province Mahipala Herath and his son Kanaka Herath M.P. together with Kegalle hospital judicial medical officer Jayaweera are leaving no stone unturned to suppress this incident .
These two scoundrels who brought disgrace on the noble profession and the nation are dental doctors attached to the Kegalle hospital. One of them by the name of Chamara Priyankara is 32 years old and is a resident of Pallegama , Deidgama , while the other is Don Ranjith from Kegalle itself. The latter also runs a private dispensary in the vicinity of Shalika hotel , Kegalle.
According to information reaching Lanka e news , these two government doctors of the so called self proclaimed superior standard doctor mafia have acted most shamelessly worse than animals by attempting to commit rape on a helpless innocent mother ……
On the 26 th a free medical clinic was conducted under the patronage of chief minister Mahipala Herath at Alapanawa ,Kegalle on the 26 th. These two dental doctors too have participated in this program and all the doctors were served with liquor. Chamara and Don after eating and drinking there had got a lift in another doctor’s vehicle . They have on the way bought another bottle of liquor from a restaurant , and stopped at Nidahas mawatha , Kegalle .
The victim had arrived with her brother to pick up her child from the tuition class. While she was waiting on the road until the child returned after the tuition class, her brother has gone to a shop nearby .
It is at that moment these two doctors have accosted her. These two doctors Don and Chamara of so called ‘superior ‘ standard doctor mafia have seized her by the hand and tried to force her into the vehicle. The intention was to abduct her , take to Ranjith’s dispensary nearby and rape her. The mother who screamed and shouted for her brother , had got her hand released and beaten Chamara .
The bystanders on hearing the screams have arrived on the scene and assaulted the two doctor rascals. Chamara was pummeled after stripping him of his clothes .As the dispensary of Don was nearby , both tried to escape into the dispensary , but the crowd had prevented that , informed the police and taken these two culprits in another vehicle to the police station.
As is often the case when politicians and doctor mafias are involved , lawlessness took precedence. These two culprits who tried to commit a most heinous crime had given phone calls to Mahipala and his son when they had intimidated and threatened the police. They have warned the police not to include their names in the complaints , the aforementioned television channel revealed in its telecast (the relevant video footage is hereunder ). More doctor hooligans had then arrived at the police station to save the sexually frustrated doctor drunkards.
As is often the case when politicians and doctor mafias are involved , lawlessness took precedence. These two culprits who tried to commit a most heinous crime had given phone calls to Mahipala and his son when they had intimidated and threatened the police. They have warned the police not to include their names in the complaints , the aforementioned television channel revealed in its telecast (the relevant video footage is hereunder ). More doctor hooligans had then arrived at the police station to save the sexually frustrated doctor drunkards.
The police after taking these two inebriated doctors into custody produced them before the Kegalle hospital JMO Jayaweera to get the breathalyzer report
Lo and behold! Though these sex starved doctor culprits were drunk as skunks Dr.Jayaweera the JMO being their friend issued a bogus report that they were sober. The police who were shocked by this report could do nothing except express their dismay .
Subsequently when these two culprits were produced before the acting magistrate Eureka Wimalaweera ,Chamara was remanded until the 30 th while Don was released on bail .Since the culprit doctors also made a complaint they were assaulted , the police arrested two residents too , and released them on police bail.
Ironically ,the victim who suffered at the hands of these two legged animals calling themselves ‘superior doctors’ is the daughter of a police sergeant. Not enough the sly efforts made by the doctor mafia to save the doctor rascals through falsified reports , the politicos Mahipala and his son Kanaka Herath have also started making threats to withdraw the complaint .
Worse part ? These two rascally politicos have also desperately tried to preclude these reports from being published by the media. Consequently , only the Hiru TV channel reported this. Now , even the media that exposed this is being intimidated and threatened by the doctor mafia and the politicos.
Law abiding citizens are earnestly waiting and watching what action the health administrative authorities are going to take against the Kegalle hospital JMO for issuing a fake breathalyzer report.
The vide footage of Hiru channel which exposed the most disgraceful incident of attempted rape by doctors (of all people ) of the most noble profession , is hereunder .
The vide footage of Hiru channel which exposed the most disgraceful incident of attempted rape by doctors (of all people ) of the most noble profession , is hereunder .
Whither the medical profession with a self proclaimed ‘superior doctor’ mafia
by (2017-08-29 16:12:52)
by (2017-08-29 16:12:52)