Asgiriya mahanayake was appointed on vote rigging ! statements of such corrupt monks unacceptable – true nayakes rip off his robes (video)

it is well to recall during the period when the presently deflated and defeated Gnanassara the notorious robed debauched monk who is having three clandestine families while wearing the sacred saffron robe was ‘setting fire’ to the country , it was Asgiriya mahanayake who never opened his mouth even to say ‘ don’t do that’ against rowdy monk Gnanassara engaging in hooliganism and insulting the Buddhist clergy and true Buddhist values. Shamelessly , it is Asgiriya mahanayake who is even today issuing statements endorsing the villainy and hate mongering of Gnanassara whose putrid antecedence and debauched life are well known despite being a so called Buddhist monk who is wantonly disgracing his own religion .
The three most lofty and most Ven . Devahuwe Chandananda mahanayake , Ven. Heenatiye Samitha nayake and Ven. Magalkadawala Punyassara nayake who attended a media discussion pertaining to religious freedom ,directly said , the abominable statement issued by Asgiriya mahanayake recently shall be withdrawn , thereby ripping off Asgiriya mahanayake’s robes in the best interests of true Buddhism and its tenets.
The three most Ven. Monks said some bhikkhus are claiming they have attained Buddhahood . Though according to history there were only four tooth relics , but now those are supposedly everywhere . Did the Mahanayakes probe into this ? these three true concerned saffron robed sons of Buddhism questioned .
The three most Ven. Monks said some bhikkhus are claiming they have attained Buddhahood . Though according to history there were only four tooth relics , but now those are supposedly everywhere . Did the Mahanayakes probe into this ? these three true concerned saffron robed sons of Buddhism questioned .
The three most Ven . Nayakes of a rare loft caliber , representing pristine and unadulterated Buddhism who exposed in writing the corrupt practices of Asgiriya mahanayake when he contested the mahanayake elections , charged that the latter after the deaths of monks in the Viharas , forcibly ‘captured’ those temples . Eth Kanda viharaya is one example they pointed out. When the appointment of the Asgiriya executive committee must be made based on votes of 19 temples , how come it was appointed on the votes of 5 temples ? the three true Buddhist nayakes questioned while pinpointing that is illegal .Hence the statement of such a mahanayake cannot be accepted they declared.
The three true Buddhist nayakes who are adhering to pristine pure Buddhism went on to highlight how the Buddha sasana is being destroyed by those who are living in cubicles with air conditioned comfort and double beds, when they should instead be in a meditating chamber with a place to sleep , a water goblet , a broken coconut shell and a short stool which are all that are necessary .
The video footage of part of the soul searching media discussion of these three great and true Buddhist priests– the truly robed sons of pristine Buddhism which should open the eyes of genuine Buddhists is hereunder
by (2017-07-01 00:30:30)
by (2017-07-01 00:30:30)