Islamic principles of Justice and Human rights necessitate changes to the MMDA
- Reform of Muslim family law across the globe has taken onboard the need to establish women’s rightful position within the Islamic framework.
- The message of egalitarianism in the Quran was an impetus for the progress of women during the period of revelation.
- Reforms that give women their due rights have often been stymied by the use of Hadiths without adequate emphasis on Takrij (examination and evaluation).
- Sri Lankan Muslim women too must be urgently granted the equitable status guaranteed for them by the Quran and Sunna.
- Reform of the MMDA is required to establish the principles of Justice and Human rights that form the bedrock of the message of Islam.
We the undersigned, members of the Lanka Minaret April 6th Group, welcome the renewed interest around reforming the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act of 1951(MMDA).