Weerawansa who is always after illicit filthy lucre tried to commit suicide even over illicit love..!
-Letter written in his own handwriting ….

Unfortunately a copy of this letter that was in our library was destroyed when our Lanka e news portal was set on fire. However in response to our request made yesterday , a number of our viewers had sent that letter copy.
The letter reads thus :
My dear Sashi,
Please pardon me. Because you are not giving me an opportunity to rectify myself and go forward into the future , I do not wish to live any more.
Please pardon me. Because you are not giving me an opportunity to rectify myself and go forward into the future , I do not wish to live any more.
Please forgive me … Wish you a bright future. Please look after the two children on my behalf. I love the small daughter and son a lot. I am sorry . But there is nothing that I can do.
Please forgive me..
Weerawansa had signed this letter in the name of “Gam’ because at that time in keeping with his faceless character he was going by the name of Wimalasiri Gamlath also.
Poor Weerawansa has via this letter asked for forgiveness and admitted to have committed an unpardonable wrong . This wrong referred to was an illicit sexual relationship while having two children , and Sashi getting wind of it. His asking for pardon on three occasions in that short letter alone proves what a grave and grievous wrong he has committed.
Poor Weerawansa has via this letter asked for forgiveness and admitted to have committed an unpardonable wrong . This wrong referred to was an illicit sexual relationship while having two children , and Sashi getting wind of it. His asking for pardon on three occasions in that short letter alone proves what a grave and grievous wrong he has committed.
No sooner Sashi saw this letter than she sent a fax message to the office of the JVP to which party he belonged at that time. The JVP leaders taking swift action had sent a group to Weerawansa’s house , and managed to rescue moronic suicide maniac Weerawansa. We shall in a subsequent report reveal how the latter showed his ‘gratitude’ to those who saved his life !
Going by this record , his present attempt to commit suicide too may be because his conscience is so guilt ridden as before , and the heinous crimes he committed in the past are haunting and preying on him . Perhaps his aim is to commit suicide before the courts can mete out punishment to him , and thereby portray himself as ‘hero who fasted unto death’ and suppress all his perfidies with a view to deceive the masses , in the same way as he has been duping the people all along via trickeries and treacheries.
It is a well and widely known fact Weerawansa is not only a fraud but also a coward who cannot face the people under his true name. This is why from time to time he had been using various names and various passports under different names. Such racketeers rob public funds and assets to decorate themselves with false ostentation including counterfeit fame , as well as to cover up their acute inferiority complex ,while living a life of deceit and debauchery.
On the contrary , if he truly had any sincere intention to prove to the people he is truthful , and live a life of an honest and virtuous politico , he had enough opportunities and time to resolve the housing problems of the people during the ten long years he was the minister of housing. Yet , instead of solving the issues of the people who helped him to become a minister , he distributed the houses meant for the people and built out of their funds ,to his relatives unlawfully for cheap prices . In addition he distributed 40 official vehicles of the State to his relatives , cronies and henchmen as if those belonged to his dowry property.
What’s more ! he built a mansion for his wife out of robbed public funds. Now ,when these are being exposed ,this uneducated cowardly crook who is suffering from inferiority complex , unable to face the people and the voters he cheated wholesale , trying to commit suicide is not a matter for surprise.
What’s more ! he built a mansion for his wife out of robbed public funds. Now ,when these are being exposed ,this uneducated cowardly crook who is suffering from inferiority complex , unable to face the people and the voters he cheated wholesale , trying to commit suicide is not a matter for surprise.
The letter of attempted suicide of Weerawansa addressed to Sashi was first published by Late Lasantha Wickremetunge , the Sunday Leader editor in June 2008 . It appeared in the Irudhina the Sinhala counterpart of Leader. Weerawansa the grade nine qualified moron was so vengeful and heartless towards Late Lasantha, that when he was questioned by a journalist at a media briefing after the murder of Lasantha committed by the very government of moronic suicide maniac Weerawansa , the latter in turn disdainfully inquired ‘ Who is this Lasantha?’
( Our effusive thanks to viewers Sampath, Manjula, Sarath, Nishantha and Sena who responded to our request )
( Our effusive thanks to viewers Sampath, Manjula, Sarath, Nishantha and Sena who responded to our request )
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by (2017-03-28 04:25:39)
by (2017-03-28 04:25:39)