Give this scoundrel a rascally name – ‘b…tard’ is not enough..! (video)

An infernal stooge of this villainous and opportunistic businessman was taught an unforgettable lesson of his life time when that self degrading stooge tried to sabotage the salutary maiden media conference held on the 26 th concerning the new constitution.
This rascally two penny half penny worth media stooge is in the stupid habit of asking only one stock question at every media briefing these days– that is about ‘ the treasury bond’ to hit out at Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe . At yesterday ‘s (27 ) media discussion too, while there is a clear mandate given on 2015-01-08 to abolish the executive presidency , this shameless silly stooge of Kili said while questioning , the presidential commission to probe into the alleged bond scam cannot be appointed if the presidential system is not there.
Though it is very unfortunate , it is unsurprising Kili the sewage pipeline businessman who knows only about cesspits and sewage lines had only a silly scoundrel to select do his sordid and clandestine biddings. This worthless imbecile despite his bald head ( usually a bald head implies intelligence , whereas in this case it is serving as an index of abysmal idiocy) was fiercely questioning about the constitution , when he hadn’t the capacity to ask himself, whether there was a president when the Criminal Justice Commission was appointed to investigate and punish the criminals of the 1971 insurrection ?
Those present whose time was being wasted by this lackey and lickspittle of Kili Maharaja were so provoked ,one of them addressing Kili’s silly stooge said , Kili Maharaja is engaged not in the media vocation rather in the Maharaja media prostitution occupation. Janaranjana the editor of ‘Ravaya’ who explained the importance of asking pertinent questions to this silly stooge of Kili the scrooge , roundly blamed him for attending media conferences and asking the same bond scam question all the time . He told this media coolie of sewage pipeline businessman Kili Maharaja in plain language this is a conspiratorial machination. Kili’s media coolie Ariya Gamage by name who began to petrify and ‘putrefy’ amidst the fierce criticisms leveled by all against him, finally did the vanishing trick unable to stand the monumental humiliation.
Kili Maharaja who made his lackeys , lickspittles and stooges to creep into the inner circle of Maithripala Sirisena after he became the president with ulterior motives , through clever manipulations annexed a plot of most valuable land at Fort . Nine plots were taken by him for his media chain. Now , Kili after ingratiating himself into Maithri’s favor is hurling brickbats at the Prime Minister and government members within the cabinet against whom he has a grudge. The latest ploy of this asinine sewage pipeline stinking ‘King’ is aimed at making Maithri to dance to his tune in order to make villainous murderous dejected Gota reduced to zero presently ,and rejected by the entire country a hero , employing his entire media chain most unethically, unscrupulously and unprofessionally without any sense of shame.
In the circumstances , it will do immense good to Maithri and his political career if he tries to understand that no politico who was closely associated by Kili the sewage pipeline S Lon ‘King’ had prospered for long. They have all got drowned finally in the cesspits into which Kili’s sewage pipelines lead . We hope Maithri has the sanity and sensibility to think wisely .
Kili Maharaja who made his lackeys , lickspittles and stooges to creep into the inner circle of Maithripala Sirisena after he became the president with ulterior motives , through clever manipulations annexed a plot of most valuable land at Fort . Nine plots were taken by him for his media chain. Now , Kili after ingratiating himself into Maithri’s favor is hurling brickbats at the Prime Minister and government members within the cabinet against whom he has a grudge. The latest ploy of this asinine sewage pipeline stinking ‘King’ is aimed at making Maithri to dance to his tune in order to make villainous murderous dejected Gota reduced to zero presently ,and rejected by the entire country a hero , employing his entire media chain most unethically, unscrupulously and unprofessionally without any sense of shame.
In the circumstances , it will do immense good to Maithri and his political career if he tries to understand that no politico who was closely associated by Kili the sewage pipeline S Lon ‘King’ had prospered for long. They have all got drowned finally in the cesspits into which Kili’s sewage pipelines lead . We hope Maithri has the sanity and sensibility to think wisely .
The video footage is hereunder
by (2017-02-28 20:04:25)
by (2017-02-28 20:04:25)