Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, December 2, 2016

Viva Fidel

 The impact of Fidel’s humanitarian reach stretched as far as Africa where Cuban’s lost their lives in the fight against brutal regimes supported by apartheid South Africa and western powers.
cropped-guardian_english_logo-1.pngby Gaetano Greco and Michael Colin Cooke-Dec 1, 2016

( December 1, 2016, Melbourne, Sri Lanka Guardian) The passing of a political giant like Fidel Castro amongst the political minnows that swarm and blight our political and cultural landscape deserves more attention.
The dismissiveness of our mainstream media that has pedaled out the usual cold war rhetoric does not go beyond the superficial cliché and critique of him since the Kennedy years. Like all-important personages in history he was human and his mistakes (many of which he acknowledged and tried to rectify) need to be set against the colossal magnitude of the legacy he has left behind.
We in Australia unlike Cuba live in a country that is not only over endowed with natural abundance but are also one of the richest countries on the planet. We also freely trade with the US, our closest ally which is still the biggest economy in the world. Yet we cannot find the money and political will to fund a proper health and education system and live in a society where the homeless, the poor and the underpaid are increasing daily while the rich just get richer and seem indifferent to the fate of others.
Cuba shows that even after decades of sustained external pressure, i.e. political isolation and destabilsation and assassination attempts on Fidel life; terrorist attacks on civilian planes and hotels, devastating hurricanes – not to mention a 50 year crippling immoral embargo imposed by the US; it was able to provide decent housing, education and health to its citizens. Additionally, its international standing in training and sending many thousands of doctors to developing counties over the years remains exemplary and completely blights Australia’s stingy overseas aid program. Just to our north in East Timor over 1200 Cuban doctors have brought health services to the population, some in the most remote areas of the Country.
The impact of Fidel’s humanitarian reach stretched as far as Africa where Cuban’s lost their lives in the fight against brutal regimes supported by apartheid South Africa and western powers. In fact, Cuba’s critical contribution in Angola and Namibia is attributed to helping defeat the apartheid regime in South Africa. In recognition of this, Nelson Mandela visited Fidel before any other world leader after he was released from jail.
That is only part of the legacy of Fidel Castro that we should be discussing, arguing about and preserving not the bullshit clichés we have endured from our capitalist press.
So that is why we mourn and salute the life and times of Fidel Castro Ruiz – his example serves as a beacon for activists for all ages – history will not only absolve him but also honor his contribution to humankind