Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, December 10, 2016

The country's prison system has been bombarded with criticisms in recent timed

The country's prison system has been bombarded with criticisms in recent timed

Dec 10, 2016

Several media reports recently uncovered that this Prison Superintendent has been accused of corrupt and irregular conduct. However, denying these allegations, the Prison Superintendent said that the allegations against him are baseless and unfair. Pointing out that it is the Matara Prison currently provides the best meals for its inmates compared to all other prisons in the country, he said that he was able to put an end to the narcotic menace inside the prison by establishing strict discipline and administration in the prison. He said that these allegations have been raised by the parties who have been affected from his actions.

Meanwhile the Prion Superintendent has been accused of deploying 25 prison inmates and 4 prison guards to decorate the election campaign stages in Akuressa on 14/12/2014, Sending the laborer, driver and guard grade employees of the Matara prison for election campaign work with Minister Gajadheera, deploying 15 prison officers and a Bolero jeep belonging to the prison to destroy election offices of the common candidate as well as to paste election posters of the then president and also providing fuel valuing Rs.4950 from the Prison for the vehicles used by the prison officers in these illegal activities.

Apart from these allegations, the Prison Superintendent has also been accused of misusing funds belonging to the Prison officers' sports and welfare societies to make donations for carnivals organized by the then prison minister, sending two minor staff members of the Matara Prison to work as laborers at the Minister's house, releasing Prison guard D.L.D. Krishantha to work for the staff of former minister Mahinda Yapa Abeywardhana and illegally transferring the prison guards who had been placed under remand custody in suspicion of destroying an election office belonging to Minister Sagala Rathnayake, to prison hospital.

However, when queried, former Minister MP Mahinda Yaa Abeywardhana denied the allegations by claiming that he had not used any prison official for in his activities. He said that there was never a reason for him to do such as thing.

Expressing his views on the matter, the present minister for Prisons Swaminadan said that necessary steps shall be taken against anyone who had violated the due procedure. He said that investigations have already started in this regard.
AshWaru Colombo