Ontario lawmakers vote to smear BDS movement

Ali Abunimah-2 December 2016
Canadian human rights defenders are condemning a motion adopted by the
Ontario legislature on Thursday that tars the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement as racist.
Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) said it was “deeply concerned and disturbed” that the motion had been approved.
IJV had urged lawmakers to oppose the motion.
“It is outrageous for our elected representatives to publicly chastise
human rights supporters, and falsely accuse them of hatred and bigotry
for standing in solidarity with the victims of Israeli state violence
and oppression,” IJV spokesperson Tyler Levitan said.
“The so-called debate in the Ontario legislature was little more than a
slurry of lies and defamation against Palestinian human rights
advocates,” Levitan added.
“It is defamatory to suggest that those advocating for human rights
through nonviolent actions stand for hatred,” Atif Kubursi, of the
Canadian Arab Federation, told media.
The non-binding measure describes
BDS as a movement that encourages “hatred, hostility, prejudice, racism
and intolerance” and promotes “the differential treatment of Israel.”
With the support of lawmakers from the provincial Liberal government and
the right-wing opposition Progressive Conservatives, the motion passed
by 49-5. Only the center-left New Democratic Party (NDP) voted against
it. About half of all lawmakers did not take part in the vote.
By backing the motion, lawmakers ignored the advice of the Ontario Civil Liberties Association.
“We are not asking you to support BDS,” the group said in a letter to lawmakers on the eve of the vote.
“We ask you to recognize, protect and advance the right of individual
Ontarians to choose for themselves which social movements they will
endorse, including BDS.”
Right to criticize
Introducing the measure in Thursday’s debate, Progressive Conservative
lawmaker Gila Martow likened Palestinians and their allies struggling
against Israel’s military occupation, settler-colonialism and systematic
discrimination to white supremacists.
“We would not be here supporting a Ku Klux Klan on our campuses, so why
are we allowing BDS movements and other anti-Jewish communities and
anti-Israel organizations to have demonstrations and use our campuses,
which are taxpayer-funded?” Martow said.
“New Democrats absolutely stand firmly opposed to any movement which
encourages hate, prejudice, racism or intolerance in any way,” NDP
deputy leader Jagmeet Singh responded.
“In our focus, we can’t be distracted by conflating criticisms of a
government or criticisms of a government’s policies with anti-Semitism,”
Singh added.
“People around the world and here in Canada have a right to dissent and
to criticize,” Singh said, drawing an analogy with those criticizing
Canada’s own atrocious human rights record, namely its “deplorable
treatment of the indigenous community.”
“From direct genocides to a cultural genocide based on residential
schools, the ongoing systemic discrimination of indigenous people and
their deplorable conditions – people would be fully justified to raise a
concern about the treatment of indigenous people,” Singh stated. “But
it would absolutely not permit people to incite hatred against
Singh said that “peaceful demonstrations, discussions, debate,
discourse, whether we agree with them or not, if they are expressed
towards the criticism of a government or its policies, are absolutely,
within our democracy.”
Union opposition
Rajean Hoilett, chair of the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario, a
union with 350,000 members in the country’s most populous province, said the motion “is quite obviously an attempt to silence activists, many of which are students.”
Hoilett vowed that students would not be deterred from advocating for Palestinian rights on campus.
Earlier, CUPE Ontario, a branch of the national public employees’ union representing 260,000 workers in the province, had also urged lawmakers
to reject the motion as a violation of “the freedom of expression
protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.”
Dozens of
other groups have urged the Ontario government to reject efforts to
defame and condemn Canadians working in solidarity with Palestinians.
Abusing claims of anti-Semitism
Much criticism of the anti-BDS motion has centered on its conflation of criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.
Independent Jewish Voices said it was disturbed by “this defamatory
motion’s endorsement of the Ottawa Protocol on Combating Anti-Semitism.”
“This protocol uses a widely discredited definition of anti-Semitism
rejected by the European Union, which conflates opposition to political
Zionism with anti-Semitism,” IJV stated. “This is an affront to those
who have suffered under real anti-Semitism, and openly discriminates
against Palestinian residents of Ontario who have been displaced and
dispossessed as a result of political Zionism.”
“Putting all Jews into one basket that is represented by Israel is not
only racist, it is also ignorant of Jewish history and Jewish tradition,
which embrace and take pride in political and ideological diversity
among Jewish communities around the world, including in Ontario,” the
Israeli pro-BDS group Boycott from Within wrote in a letter to Ontario lawmakers.
“Canada has a history of structural and cultural violence, most
blatantly manifest in racism and discrimination against many groups,”
the Canadian Friends Service Committee noted in reaction to the vote. “This has certainly included a long and shameful tradition of anti-Semitism.”
The Quaker group recalled Canada’s refusal to accept more than a handful
of Jewish refugees fleeing persecution in Europe and the existence for
decades of “restrictive covenants” prohibiting the sale of property to Jews, Black people and others.
“For this reason it is deeply troubling when we see extremely important
and powerful words like ‘anti-Semitism’ being compromised through misuse
to promote a political agenda,” the Canadian Friends Service Committee
The group accused the Ontario government of “taking the path laid out
for it by lobbyists seeking to silence legitimate nonviolent protest.”
No change in law
The motion is a flexing of political muscle by the Israel lobby groups that promoted it, in particular the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which was praised by several lawmakers during the debate.
It is also part of a wave of anti-Palestinian measures being promoted around the world by Israel and its lobby groups.
But it does not actually change the law in Ontario, unlike an anti-BDS
bill introduced in May that would have created a government blacklist of
supporters of Palestinian rights.
That bill was soundly rejected by the Ontario legislature, prompting Israel lobby groups to return with this week’s non-binding motion.
On Wednesday, Independent Jewish Voices spokesperson Tyler Levitan told The
Electronic Intifada that even if the motion passed this week, “the
victory in defeating the anti-BDS bill in May would still stand.”