Kaveendra demeans justice ! LeN complains to JSC with evidence..

It is by now a widely known fact , Gampaha magistrate Kaveendra is one who demeans and degrades her own profession because she has no idea about her profession or professional ethics - when it is concerning dispensation of justice . We make this allegation based on valid grounds , and because we can substantiate those .
In the case of assault launched on Rivira editor Upali Tennekoon , the latter and his wife identified the assailant in the identification parade . Yet , because Lanka e news published a photograph of the suspect prior to the identification parade , Kaveendra decided that the LeN editor committed contempt of court , and issued an Interpol warrant , which in fact is tantamount to her showing contempt for and disdaining her own profession .That is , based on her ignorance she has caused miscarriage of justice by trespassing on the laws, and thereby acted unlawfully.
Hereunder is evidence testifying to it …
Lanka e news did not publish a photograph of the assailant who attacked Upali Tennekoon prior to the holding of the identification parade. We only published the photograph of the prime suspect in Lasantha’s murder………
The CID took suspect Premananda Udalagama the leader of the squad of Lasantha’s murder into custody on 2016-07-15 night. The CID before that published two sketches of the suspect . ('Army sergeant major the leader of murder squad responsible for ghastly brutal murder of Lasantha Wickremethunge arrested.!') On the day following the arrest of Udalagama , that is on 2016-07 -16 morning , the suspect was produced in Mt. Lavinia court for an identification parade .Lanka e news published a report along with a photograph of the suspect whose face was covered when he was being produced in court. ( 'Gota gets cold feet and drives himself mad with arrest of sergeant major Premananda Udalagama over Lasantha murder !')
Subsequently , on the 18 th of July 2016 , LeN for the first time published the photograph of Udalagama as the murder squad leader in Lasantha’s murder after the identification parade. ( ''Two teams enlisted for Lasantha’s murder: Army sergeant major Premananda Udalagama was with Karuna group'')
We obtained that photograph after browsing the internet. Based on reports reaching us , Udalagama was working earlier on as a military attaché at the German Embassy , and when we along with the group of the inside information division of LeN in Germany browsed the internet of the Embassy during that period , we found the photograph of Udalagama taken when he attended a New Year celebration at the Embassy office.
What we published on 2016- 07- 18 was that photograph. This was published two days after Udalagama’s identification parade in relation to Lasantha’s murder was held. Hence , when we published the photo for the first time we have not violated any laws.
After we published the photo of Udalagama for the first time as the prime suspect in Lasantha’s murder , many media used that photo and published it without quoting us. Thereafter , when Udalagama was interrogated , the CID became aware that he had assaulted Rivira editor and his wife. Accordingly , the editor and his wife were got down from America , and an identification parade was conducted again before them on 28 th August 2016. LeN published that report in English edition under ( ''Cat is out of the bag..! Rajapakses shed crocodile tears after orchestrating attack on Tennekoon following the killing of Lasantha -Tennekoons identify culprit Udalagama - Lasantha’s killer''). However a photograph of Udalagama was not published by us with that report.
In other words , what we published was the photograph of the prime suspect in Lasantha’s murder and not the assailant’s involved in the attack on Rivira editor. Later both turned out to be the same individual following police investigations and not based on LeN report .
Hence, Kaveendra’s allegation that because we published the photo of the assailant of Rivira editor prior to the identification parade it is tantamount to committing contempt of court is baseless , a figment of imagination of Kaveendra and a mental delusion – a contract !
In the circumstances LeN editor has lodged a complaint with the JSC against Kaveendra Nanayakkara on 29 th explaining the true picture through lawyer Upul Kumaraperuma . Incidentally this the second complaint made by us against her.
In plants flowers bloom naturally, but justice is something that does not blossom naturally . It must be dispensed . Everybody shall fight for his/her justice . That has been the history of the human race. Of course among them are many Shylocks and Kaveendras. There have been countless, but they have all finally putrefied and perished. It is only justice that prevails and is permanent . It is only pristine justice that moves ahead forever emitting fragrance.
By Wimal Dheerasekera
Translated by Jeff.
by (2016-12-01 11:59:21)
by (2016-12-01 11:59:21)