How Wellampitiya OIC passed Duminda’s test!

This was the time when the Rajapaksa terror reigned the country.
Inspector Samaranayake had assumed duties as OIC of Wellampitiya police less than 24 hours ago.
His telephone began ringing. In the other end was the then IGP Mahinda Balasuriya. “Oh, you are the new OIC? How is the new station?”
“Yes, Sir. The new station is not bad. But this is a very difficult area,” he replied while getting up from his seat.
“Did you report to the MP? Everything should be done according to what he says. He is the second hand of the defence secretary.”
“Yes, sir. I reported to him soon after taking up the job. He told me several things that that should be done. I will do all those, sir,” he told the IGP while standing to attention.
“Do as the MP says. UNPers or the media cannot lead me off the track. Do not go to dance to the tunes of the UNPers or the media.”
“Yes, sir, UNPers or the media cannot lead me off the track. I will do whatever the MP says. If an FR case is filed against me, get the MP to save me.”1
“OK, I will take care of that,” so saying, the IGP hung up.
Five minutes later, the telephone starting ringing again.
In the other end was Colombo district MP, Kolonnawa organizer R. Duminda Silva.
“Oh. Mr. OIC. How are you? OK. You have passed my test.”
Saying only that, he put down the phone.
The Kolonnawa OIC got to know only several months later as to what exactly had happened.
IGP Balasuriya had telephoned him from the official residence of MP Duminda, in his presence. Duminda calls him ‘uncle.’
The IGP appointed officers to the Police Narcotics Bureau only on recommendation from Duminda. In a show of gratitude, Duminda got Wele Suda to build a house for the IGP at Malambe. Now, the boorish three wheeler drivers, when passing that house, cry out ‘Wele Suda’ which has become quite a headache for the Balasuriya family.
Therefore, he is soon to change his place of residence to Welikada. His neighbour is going to be former senior DIG Anura Senanayake.