How the CIA Helped Fuel the Rise of ISIS

( February 1, 2016, Boston, Sri Lanka Guardian) The New York Times tosses previously reported facts down the memory hole, whitewashing the US’s role in Syria leading ultimately to the rise of ISIS.
The Media’s Longstanding Propaganda Narrative
I have written repeatedly about how the Times‘ reporting serves as propaganda, manufacturing consent for a US interventionist policy in Syria, as the Times has repeatedly advocated.
For instance, in “NYT’s Bill Keller’s Propaganda Case for War with Syria” (May 2013), I wrote:
I find myself commenting again and again and again and again and again on how the U.S. media (following the lead of America’s “newspaper of record”) is being willfully dishonest with the public and attempting to whitewash the actual U.S. role in the Syrian conflict by tossing relevant facts down the memory hole; namely, the facts that (1) the CIA has already been coordinating the flow of arms to the rebels, and (2) most of those arms have indeed ended up in the hands of Islamic extremists. Read the full article here
Read the full article here
Jeremy R. Hammond IS an award-winning independent political analyst, author, and founding editor and publisher of Foreign Policy Journal. the author of two books, The Rejection of Palestinian Self-Determination: The Struggle for Palestine and the Roots of the Israeli-Arab Conflict (2009) and Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman: Austrian vs. Keynesian Economics in the Financial Crisis.