Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Words “Sinhala Blood” Written on Gates of Muslim Residences in Colombo

Sri Lanka Brief
On the night of 2nd January 2016 the words ” Sinha Le” ( Sinhala Blood) has been written on the gates of Muslim houses in number of areas surrounding Colombo, the capitol of Sri Lanka.
” Sinha Le” is the name of  new extremist organisation launched few weeks ago. In few outstation towns including Kurunagala town stickers with the words “Sinha Le”   is being displayed by some motorists prominently.
The organisation “Sinha Le” believed to be a coalition of number of extremist Sinhala groups backed by pro – Rajapaksa politicians and Weekend newspapers.
"Sinhale" word was written in walls & gates of several Muslim houses in Nugegoda area by an unknown group last night
I’ve no idea what’s the message these idiots wanna give to the world. Fools making an exhibition of themselves.