Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Can Women Claim Their Political Power In Sri Lanka?

By Ratna Bala –October 31, 2015
Dr Ratna Bala
Dr Ratna Bala
Colombo Telegraph
Women are the majority in Sri Lanka now. But they do not have any political power. Our country proudly proclaim as it has had the first female prime minister in the world. That didn’t give any enthusiasm to empower women with political power. Even the women affairs ministry had been manned by men as they know better about women’s affairs. How can women claim their political power to promote progress in gender equality in Sri Lanka.
Dear beloved Mothers and Sisters,
It is time for you all to stand united firmly and speak loudly, with skills and strength, to demand gender equality in governing your country.
All Sri Lankan people have suffered unimaginable pain and loss during last thirty years of war and devastating effect of tsunami. You have faced the most, enduring relentless psychological and physical trauma and helpless perpetual hardship. You have done it silently and with courageous determination to see it through and survive against all odds. Traditionally there were noises about your plight in election promises, NGO forums and meetings with foreign diplomats. Any progresses made were very limited. Our male dominated political power house got preoccupied in building roads and tourist resorts. They are only partly responsible for the blame! How could they (myself included) understand your needs? Even if they were informed of your needs how could they give priority to them and find effective solution without your active participation?
In our country thousands of women have gone to Middle East to be tortured and humiliated eventually returning back home empty handed to face a broken family and abused children bore an eloquent testimony to how we care about your values, respect and dignity. Thousands of women had become widows by brutal war and struggling to make ends meet. Thousands of women daily encounter domestic violence. Thousands of women live in severe economic hardship in poor families in which malnutrition and related diseases affect women more than men. Thousands of women’s lives ruined by problems related to alcohol and drugs usage by men. Sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, rape and murder of women are becoming daily breaking news. How any men can adequately understand and sincerely feel for your problems and can find solutions? They can only come out with suggestions like legalising prostitution, building casinos etc.
Dear beloved Mothers and Sisters,
It is time to say ‘we had enough. we have sacrificed enough, suffered enough and suffocated enough. Let us live with dignity and respect’. It is time to say ‘we want our political power. We want our rightful place in parliament and civil administration and ensure to treat women equal to men’. It is time for gender equality in our country.
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