Russian President Vladimir Putin Speaks At UN
( September 28, 2015, New York City, Sri Lanka Guardian) The export of the so-called democratic revolutions continues, as the international community fails to learn from mistakes, which have already been made, Russian President Vladimir Putin said addressing the UNGA.
He cited the example of the revolutions in the Middle East, when people wished for change, “but how did that turn out?”
He said that instead of triumph of democracy “we have violence and social disaster,” where no one cares about human rights, including the right to life.
US President Obama Addresses UN
( September 28, 2015, New York City, Sri Lanka Guardian) President Obama issued a strong condemnation of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s use of force in Ukraine in an address to the United Nations General Assembly on Monday, warning world leaders of “dangerous currents” that stand to threaten international stability.
“We cannot stand by when the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a nation is flagrantly violated,” Obama told world leaders at the 70th annual session at the United Nations.
“Imagine if instead Russia had engaged in true diplomacy and worked with Ukraine and the international community to ensure its interests were protected,” Obama said. “That would be better for Ukraine, but also better for Russia and better for the world. This is why we continue to press for this crisis to be resolved.”