8 Underwear Mistakes That Are Bad For Your Health
The type of underwear you choose plus your daily habits can have a big impact on your health "down there."
By Sara Schwartz-09/24/2015
Mistake #1: Too-tight underwear
Not only is too-tight underwear generally unflattering (hello, visible bulges and puckering), but it can also promote chafing of the skin and vaginal irritation, especially if you’re post-menopausal. “For women who are menopausal, their vaginal walls tend to be thin,” says Raquel B. Dardik, M.D., clinical associate professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center. From that perspective, any underwear that’s tight enough to rub your skin can result in irritation, she explains. “If your skin doesn’t get irritated, then great — tight underwear won’t hurt you. But if you do get irritated because of friction, then it’s not recommended.”