BBS fresco on ISIS in Sri Lanka

Monks have got a great respect among all Sri Lankan communities. We all respect them and the majority of monks are very good people. They do not like to harm anyone even an insect. Yet, there are some monks who make trouble for peace and harmony. Gnanasara thero as a monk may be a good man and yet, he has been used by some politicians to make some gains. BBS has been manipulating and twisting news reports.
( July 31, 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) It is not a secret Bodu Bala Sena ( BBS) is trying to cashing in from BBS fresco in Sri Lanka. Recent revelation of Muslim man being killed in Syria is an excuse for BBS to preach its false lies about Muslims in Sri Lanka. BSS is always trying to find faults in Muslim community without any logical and rational reason. Today, religious preaching of BBS is mixed up with its political agendas. Political bankruptcy of BBS is exposed once again. It is now claiming that ISIS has threated its members with death. It claims that some death threating phone calls came from Afghanistan. Let BBS now release the phone numbers of people who called them from Afghanistan. Why cannot they find them out from Sri Lankan telecommunication to make sure from where it came from? BBS is trying to con entire Sri Lankan people. They are trying to con Sri Lankan politicians, bureaucratic, police officers, Intelligences services and all other professionals. Each and every isolated incident takes place in any part of Muslim world, BBS is trying is get some political gains from it. This is complete garbage and full lies. They accuses Muslim community of anything and everything. There is no credibility in what they say and they claim. BBS is in a lost and people no longer like to listen to them. They are really trouble makers in Sri Lanka today.
CEO of BBS Dr. Dilantha Withanage said “they were threatened with death over the phone several times and some of them were from Afghanistan”. What a makeup is this? If this is true that they should take it up with Sri Lankan and Afghanistan governments so that they could verify who made these calls rather than making a big fuss about it.
If a trouble maker brings you news, check it first in case, you wrong others unwittingly and later regret what you have done (49:6). How many times, BBS has made this mistakes. Reporting and spreading wrong News without any proper check and clarification. Why do they do this? It means they do not have any moral standard in life. They do not follow teaching of Buddha rather they are making up with their own desires and inclination.
BBS is morally bankrupt political party and its philosophy is to divide and rule. Its mission is to spread hated among communities in Sri Lanka. It knows well that it cannot get grassroots support from Sinhalese community. Sinhalese people rejected. People know well its venomous agenda and its dirty tricks. BBS knows well that people no longer support them. It was in hype of Gota’s time that BBS got its political influence and support. Now, MR and co are in back seats. BBS does not have any support. They do try to get support from public but people do not care about them now at all.
All what it does now is making some media hype to get public attention. Yet, now public cannot be fooled as before. People know the truth from falsehood now. This Gnanasara Thero has brought shame to Buddhism as ISIS does to Islam. There is no difference in these two groups in ideology, principle and mission. Al-Qaeda, Taliban, IS, ISIS and BBS all are in one mission. All are identical groups. They all use religion to spread hatred, they all epitomise racism, discrimination, hatred, hate mongering, and aggression, they all make trouble for humanity. They all hate peace, harmony and communal amity. These groups are enemies of humanity.
Monks have got a great respect among all Sri Lankan communities. We all respect them and the majority of monks are very good people. They do not like to harm anyone even an insect. Yet, there are some monks who make trouble for peace and harmony. Gnanasara thero as a monk may be a good man and yet, he has been used by some politicians to make some gains. BBS has been manipulating and twisting news reports.
The entire world knows that it has been ransacking and burning down Muslim shops, mosques and shrine. Indeed, BBS thugs killed three people in down south in Sri Lanka. And yet, it is has been shamelessly blaming Muslims people. It has been twisting facts about Muslim people. It has been blaming Muslims for all what happened. Yet, it is very much clear for any discerning people that BBS is fabricating stories and telling lies against innocent Muslims in Sri Lanka. It has been trying to incite and provoke Muslim people so that it can get some justification to do more harm on false pretexts. It Muslim community today did not behave in any reactionary manners as any other groups rather Muslim community has been maintaining patience and tolerance. Muslims have indeed, left all these aggressions and atrocities in the hands of God. No one can protect Muslims in this condition except God. This BBS aggression elevated Muslim faith in God. BBS indeed, has done a great job in this sense.
Today, BBS is not accepted among their own people. It has been rejected by 90% of Singhalese people. It will meet its sudden death. Indeed, it has already met its waterloo with the last presidential election defeat. In Sri Lanka there will be no more racial hatred, bias and discrimination. People of all religions, faiths and culture will prosper. That is the foundation of this nation. To welcome and accommodate all faiths and all groups. Sri Lankan history testifies this in details. Read history and know the truth. Sinhalese kings and monks never and ever harm any other religions in this soil. History tell us Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam were protected by Sinhalese kings and Buddhist monks. There are so many historical accounts to support this argument. We do not need to recall them here.
Today, Sri Lanka needs cooperation of all communities to build this nation. It is reported that Sri Lankan economy is facing huge challenges these days. Mismanagement, unsustainable mega projects, frauds and corruptions of the previous government placed Sri Lankan economy in a very much precarious situation. To overcome all these, Sri Lankan people must be united and cooperate each other. Rather than making any communal division. Today, a communal unity among Sri Lankan people is a must. BBS is a great threat for this unity and it is working against national interest in this sense.
No one tries to harm Buddhism in Sri Lanka. It is BBS that harms Buddhism today in Sri Lanka. It is BBS who make trouble in Sri Lanka just in the name of Buddhism. It uses religion make all these troubles. May God protect this great nation?