Present, Past Presidents & Care Taker Prime Minister
By Sinnathamby Sivanandan –June 30, 2015
On 22-6-15 I listened to the “Daily Politics” program of “Sirasa” conducted by TV Presenter Chamika Roshan, political analysts interviewed were Kingsley Senanayake and Sanjeeva Ranatunge both are veterans in current political developments. It sounded very interesting to me the manner in which the Roshan handled it and how it was dissected and disseminated by the analysts.
The topic they delved into was about the past and present Presidents based on media headlines.
One report was a country should have only one leader which came out from the mouth of the present President addressing the party members. Prehaps everyone is aware there had been a revolt within the blues which was a bolt from the blue that resulted in the leadership crisis within the Darley Road darlings much to the embarrassment of the party members. The split within the party has caused a fissure and in fighting. Who created this wedge and all conspiracy theories had been analyzed in depth by analysts and skeptics with their views aired and in print. All the prudent citizens from layman to learned would have formed their own conviction and judgement.
The other report came out from former President “Ranil Langa Mada Desaplanaya Nai” in English no mud politics with Ranil. This gave me a little bit of thought in a humourous vein in my own thinking. The mud politics was started by UNP in 1977. The 1977 elections marked the defeat of the SLFP and the re-emergence of UNP. The magnitude of the victory far exceeded even the optimistic projections of its supporters. The total ellimiation of Marxists parties wholesale was a development that was least expected. The land slide victory after the mud slinging campaign with a steam-roller majority was the beginning of JRJ’s autocratic all powerful regime, usurped surplus power and went to the extent of stripping former Prime Minister Madam Srimavo’s civic right to restoring same.
This was the time UNP got muddled in mud in politics. JRJ was inundated in votes with his mammoth support base. The Mahout led the Siri Kotha elephants in style. The elephants were all well tamed and trained to sign undated letters of resignation, rebels were unheard in the herd and jumbos simply followed the unbowed unafraid leader.