President be wary this unholy haste for 20 th amendment is a Trojan horse: A minister rising against racism warns

Minister Samaraweera made this statement when the racists in the Cabinet strongly opposed Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) leader Rauff Hakeem at the Cabinet meeting.
On the 27 th when the cabinet meeting was held chaired by the president , the draft of the 20 th amendment was presented to the Cabinet. On that occasion SLMC leader most calmly revealed the 20 th amendment shall be passed , but there are some issues pertaining to it from the point of view of the Muslim community , and therefore he said , he is opposed to its passage in parliament hastily.
The notorious racist Champika Ranawake on hearing this suddenly jumped up like a jack in the box , while ministers Rajitha Senaratne and much abhorred S.B Dissanayake also began criticizing Hakeem most bitterly. Champika castigating Hakeem said’ it is because of you all that the cabinet of ministers swelled to 255. Now you are coming again to express your opposition.’
Rajitha Senaratne then joined with S.B. Dissanayake in support of Champika. They began scolding Hakeem in a fit of mad rage using most insolent and indecent language . Their statements were laden with ‘aroo’ ‘Moo’ and ‘Meka’ which words are commonly used by latrine coolies in Sri Lanka after a kasippu shot . ‘Thamby jumps in all directions,’ they screamed at Hakeem.
While a majority of ministers of the UNP were silently watching this scene , Mangala Samaraweera belonging to a rare breed of upright politicians of the highest caliber in Sri Lanka who could not endure this tirade any longer , rose up and retorted .He said , it is his stance while he was in the SLFP or with the UNP today , the electoral system should be changed, and these two parties have already concluded in favor of this. Nevertheless, this deplorable behavior of these three ministers disallowing and obstructing Hakeem , the only minister there representing the minority party from expressing his views portend grave danger , Samaraweera asserted.
‘We are a country that was ravaged by a 30 years old devastating war. Why did that terrorism initiate ? We cannot force the minority parties to accept our system. If a minority group of people think that by the system we are bringing , no matter how good it seems from our standpoint , their views are not being accommodated duly , that can well be the beginning of another terrorism . Hence , if we who are having so much experience in this connection are not even ready to listen to Rauff Hakeem , what can be the outcome?’ Minister Mangala questioned.
‘Earlier on when in the parliament there was a two third majority ,there was no such haste to amend the election system , therefore the president should ponder and understand why such an unholy haste being attached now for this 20 th amendment. Both you and the prime minister (P.M.) should understand that this is a Trojan horse in the form of 20 th amendment which can well destroy both of you,’ Minister Mangala elaborated.
Thereafter , the president sensibly decided to hold more discussions before giving his consent to the 20 th amendment.
After the cabinet meeting the topic of discussion of a group of ministers was on the conduct of a certain election monitoring organization .One of the ministers said , a chief of that organization who is now out from it is playing the role of a ‘main contractor,’ and he is bringing pressure to bear on the decision making regarding the elections system. The ministers also discussed among themselves that it is through a notorious lawyer who has wormed himself into the position of a co ordinating secretary of a bigwig of the country, this chief of the monitors has collected monies , and based on that ill gotten wealth he is riding the high horse having lost even his sense of proportions . He is therefore surely headed for a heavy fall , they observed.
by (2015-05-31 00:25:10)
by (2015-05-31 00:25:10)