Bollywood Star Salman Khan And Presidential Election In Sri Lanka

( December 30, 2014, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Visiting of Bollywood star Salman Khan to Sri Lanka has created some controversies. It is reported that he is visiting Sri Lanka to support MR in his election campaign and yet he claims that he is visiting Sri Lanka for some charitable works. Yet, implications of such controversial visit at this time tell us many things. It means that MR fears that he will be defeated this time by Maithri. All election forecasts and predictions tell us that MS is getting more popularity across the county. Maithri’s support has been dramatically increasing in recent days. Particularly villagers are coming in thousands for Maithiris meetings across the country. Now MR’s psychological fear has dramatically increased. MR is in a dreadful panic today than ever before. He did all dirty tricks to win over some opposition members into his party and yet, all attempts ended in failure except UNP’s general secretary Tissa Attanayake who crossed over to MR’s side. More than 400 politicians crossed over from MR’s side into Maithiri’s side in recent days. This tide of crossover has increased panic of MR and finally Bollywood star Salman Khan comes to Sri Lanka to rescue MR at the last movement in this election. Yet, more than 70 % of people in Sir Lanka have already made up their minds long before. People in Sri Lanka have had enough of MR and his family rules. People know that MR has destroyed the economy of this nation.
People in Sri Lanka would not like this. His visiting will send wrong signals about MRs’ election campaign. People will realise that MR cannot attract more voters, his campaign is falling apart and more and more people are leaving him very day.
All talks of developments are mere eye washes. His development projects did not do any good for poor of Sri Lanka. Literally people are dying out of starvation and hunger today than 20 years ago. Corruption is widespread among the families and friends of MR and co. Sri Lankans are clever enough to make up their minds. We do not need Bollywood star Salman Khan to lecture us on our politics. People know who the best candidates among these two is. Bollywood star Salman Khan’s influence and interference in our politics is unethical and immoral. Why should he come here and appear in MR’s political meetings. It means that MR cannot gather people into his meetings. People do not want to attend to MR’s meetings. Moreover, His visit is very much counterproductive. It has been said that he has been paid millions for his visit. Today poor people are suffering a lot from economic hardship and yet, MR and co could pay millions of public money for Bollywood star Salman Khan’s visit. This will have negative impacts on MR’s campaign. He might have taught that Bollywood star Salman Khan’s visit could get him more support and yet, this would be an utter wrong calculation.
Moreover, People in Sri Lanka would not like this. His visiting will send wrong signals about MRs’ election campaign. People will realise that MR cannot attract more voters, his campaign is falling apart and more and more people are leaving him very day. Because of this, MR has invited Bollywood star Salman Khan to attract more people into his meetings. He is very much desperate to get more people into his meetings. Although he says that he did not have any political motives for his visit and yet, his praise of MR and his appearance with MR family tell us he supports MR in his political campaign. Look how he describes MR without knowing of any of his corruption
“The President is an amazing man and he is one of the most humble people that I have met. I think the president is a man of compassion, a man of will” If he is a man of compassion how could he and his cohorts loot millions from government coffers. If he is a man of compassion how could he does not care about poor people in the country? The president is not a man of compassion rather he is most corrupted president in Sri Lankan history. He made his fortune out of politics and out of public money. No president accumulated such huge amount of money and wealth as this president and his family did in our history. Then how could he be a man of compassion?
Bollywood star Salman Khan will not do any good for MR rather his visit will do some more damage for MR’s campaign. MR has failed to show that he stands for poor and weak in Sri Lanka. Farmers and working class people are struggling to make ends meet. More than 70% of people in Sri Lanka are struggle to make ends meets and yet, MR and family do not care about this. They have been living in luxurious palaces. Therefore, people will overwhelmingly vote for a change this time. No Bollywood star Salman Khan or nobody could stop the landslide victory of Maithiri this time. It is people who decide the fate of our country not these actors or anyone else.