Vatican door closed for thug MP!
- Thursday, 02 October 2014

The most immediate reason for this rejection is that MP Sajin Vaas had inhumanely assaulted Sri Lankan high commissioner in Britain Dr. Chris Nonis. Dr. Nonis, a descendant of a respected catholic family in Sri Lnka, has been acclaimed by the Catholic Council of Sri Lanka. The civilized world is unreservedly denouncing and criticizing this assault without any provocation or due to any acceptable reason.
According to sources at the president’s office, the president had invited Dr. Nonis to come to the Vatican in order to resolve this dispute. However, the HC has not yet arrived there, said several members of the presidential delegation. He is most likely to reach the Vatican in the course of today (02), they said.
Anyhow, if the matter is not resolved, the thug MP will not be allowed to be taken to meet with the Pope, the cardinal is insisting, say our sources at the Vatican further.