Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -27.Oct.2014, 11.55PM) While the Executive Presidency is abolished, a President will be elected from among the members of Parliament by secret ballots. Upon his election, he shall perform his duties on apolitical basis.
While the President is the Head of the State who performs his duties on advice of the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister is the Head of the Government and the Head of the Cabinet.
Cabinet of Ministers shall consist of not more than 30 and there shall be Deputy Ministers also not exceeding 30.
There will be a Constitutional Council consisting of the Speaker, Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, two members from the government side and two members from the opposition, which will be chaired by the Speaker. Prior approval is required in making appointments of members to the commissions, to the superior courts and to the high offices of the state.
Right to information on matters concerning public finance and affairs is recognized as a fundamental right, but subject to restrictions in the interests of national security.
In the process of impeachment against superior court judges, the Speaker in consultation with the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition is obliged to appoint a penal consisting three retired Supreme Court Judges to inquire and report on the alleged misbehaviour or incapacity of the Judge concerned.
Interim arrangement is provided that the incumbent president shall deemed to be the duly appointed Prime Minister and may continue until he commands the majority support of the members of Parliament or until the term of the existing Parliament is over, whichever comes first. In any event he will remain to sit and vote in the Parliament as a Member of Parliament.