Holding Presidential elections while Mahinda Deshapriya is Commissioner is like putting the devil at the wheel- clearly proved at Nelum Pokuna

Mahinda Rajapakse is not only the President now, but a President who had officially announced that he is also the Presidential candidate at the next election. In other words , he is a ‘split personality’ – President as well as Presidential candidate.
On the 26 th , he summoned a meeting of administrative officers at Nelum pokuna as President (one of the two characters) not to proffer advice on state administration , but rather to exploit this meeting to secure an edge at the Presidential elections as a candidate (the other character ), and to campaign for votes for him as a candidate.
It is an unequivocal fact that the Elections commissioner and the superior officers of the department are all part of the State administrative service. Since Mahinda Rajapakse was already a Presidential candidate and named officially so when he was summoning the meeting, the other higher officers of the elections commission who are civilized , have a sense of shame , dignity , respect for work and professional ethics, boycotted the Nelum pokuna conference, because the action of the President was most corrupt and an absolute election offence.
While the other officers of the election department rightly deemed President’s conduct as a most obnoxious and perfidious action ,the elections commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya on the other hand flouted flagrantly every legal norm and true lofty election tradition outrageously and disgracefully despite being the elections commissioner in whom every voter reposes faith, and expects of him to conduct a fair and free election ; he not only attended the conference but even had a secret chat with the President for 45 long minutes. Mahinda Deshapriya , the President , his secretary Lalith Weeratunge , and secretary to the State administrative service , P.B. Abeykoon participated in this hush- hush discussion sharing and gulping strong drinks within a VIP cubicle in Nelum Pokuna. Moreover , nobody was permitted to enter that cubicle during this secretive discussion and drinking bout.
In the circumstances , the elections commissioner by all this had not only grossly betrayed his own officers who were attacked at Matara and Uva province by the Rajapakse political henchmen , but even the entire country . Mahinda Dehapriya’s unseemly official behavior and most despicable partial attitude while prostituting his official position to stoop to the lowliest of levels deserves the worst condemnation , abhorrence and punishment in infernal hell from the standpoint of the people of the whole country . Indeed the entire election office under him is rudely shocked and startled to see their sycophantic superior officer sacrificing his soul this disgracefully at the altar of self gain and self advancement at the expense of a whole nation most unconscionably and unscrupulously.