Attacks on opposition political parties increase in the run up to presidential nominations - CaFFE

By RathindraKuruwita-October 1, 2014
The government has already begun attacking popular opposition politicians as a strategy to cow the opposition into submission before the 2015 presidential election, Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE) said.
CaFFE Executive Director Keerthi Tennakoon said that in the last four day two attacks have been carried out against two popular United National Party (UNP) politicians. "One is the attack on vehicles at an event at Giriulla, Pannala with the participation of United National Party's Uva provincial council candidate (and the present opposition leader) Harin Fernando in the weekend. This was followed by the attack on UNP MP Hon. Palitha Range Bandara's hotel in Karuwalagaswewa on Monday," he said.
Tennakoon added that Bandara's hotel is situated in close proximity to Karuwalagaswewapolice stations and CivilDefence Force HQ Karuwalagaswewa. However as in Uva the policemen were conspicuous in their absence, Tennakoon said.
Karuwalagaswewa and Anamaduwa are two electorates famous for election violence and the UNP MP has been complained of continuous harassment in recent years. The UNP MP even wrote to former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navaneetham Pillai on July 23, 2014 complaining that he has been 'seriously harassed by the government and its supporters over a long period of time," CaFFE Executive Director said.
"Before the attack on the hotel, the UNP MP was involved in a heated argument with KaruwalagaswewaPradeshiya Sabha Chairman Neil Weerasingha on Sunday after Weerasingha's supporters allegedly destroyed two cut-outs congratulating MP SajithPremadasa. When the attempts by two parties to discussed the incident turned into a heated argument, the police arrested Bandara and two of his supporters although it was Weerasingha who has commenced the conflict. CaFFE does not believe that neither incident were random. These attacks are targeted at opposition politicians who may pose a serious threat to the government in the national elections that will be held next year," he said.

By RathindraKuruwita-October 1, 2014
The government has already begun attacking popular opposition politicians as a strategy to cow the opposition into submission before the 2015 presidential election, Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE) said.
CaFFE Executive Director Keerthi Tennakoon said that in the last four day two attacks have been carried out against two popular United National Party (UNP) politicians. "One is the attack on vehicles at an event at Giriulla, Pannala with the participation of United National Party's Uva provincial council candidate (and the present opposition leader) Harin Fernando in the weekend. This was followed by the attack on UNP MP Hon. Palitha Range Bandara's hotel in Karuwalagaswewa on Monday," he said.
Tennakoon added that Bandara's hotel is situated in close proximity to Karuwalagaswewapolice stations and CivilDefence Force HQ Karuwalagaswewa. However as in Uva the policemen were conspicuous in their absence, Tennakoon said.
Karuwalagaswewa and Anamaduwa are two electorates famous for election violence and the UNP MP has been complained of continuous harassment in recent years. The UNP MP even wrote to former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navaneetham Pillai on July 23, 2014 complaining that he has been 'seriously harassed by the government and its supporters over a long period of time," CaFFE Executive Director said.
"Before the attack on the hotel, the UNP MP was involved in a heated argument with KaruwalagaswewaPradeshiya Sabha Chairman Neil Weerasingha on Sunday after Weerasingha's supporters allegedly destroyed two cut-outs congratulating MP SajithPremadasa. When the attempts by two parties to discussed the incident turned into a heated argument, the police arrested Bandara and two of his supporters although it was Weerasingha who has commenced the conflict. CaFFE does not believe that neither incident were random. These attacks are targeted at opposition politicians who may pose a serious threat to the government in the national elections that will be held next year," he said.