Riyadh municipality ends speculation about ‘revolting’ Shawarma pic

The photo shows two men holding a spit and a man standing on top pressing the meat into it. (Courtesy of Al-Eqtisadiah)

By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Monday, 30 June 2014
Monday, 30 June 2014
Riyadh’s municipality has ended speculation about a photo showing three men preparing shawarma meat in a revolting manner, saying it had been taken at a restaurant in Turkey, according to a report published Saturday.
The photo shows two men holding a spit and a man standing on top pressing the meat into it.
Al-Eqtisadiah said officials belonging to the Riyadh municipality realized the photo had been taken in Turkey following a long Internet search.
According to the report, the photo was found on a private Turkish website.
Mohammad Moamen, acting general director of Environmental Health in Riyadh, said the municipality looked into where the photo had been taken out of concern for the safety of citizens, adding that the photo appeared with old dates on Turkish websites.
The Riyadh municipality has previously called on citizens and residents to cooperate and report any information that may lead to the three employees seen in the photo.
Last Update: Monday, 30 June 2014 KSA 00:05 - GMT 21:05