
The name of this crooked importer is K,T.D. Jayaratne and the spurious company he had established for this illicit purpose is ‘Majesty natural food and chemicals export limited.’ This is located at 337 C, Dambukanda , Dompe.
Believe it or not , last year alone , this Company had imported about 20 containers of duty free ethanol , but this merchandise never arrived at this manufacturing Co. All these container loads of ethanol had been sold to the liquor manufacturers . It is only an insignificant quantity of food flavorings and preservatives have been exported, and not the 20 containers of the product.
A team of Customs officers have conducted an inquiry into this company’s clandestine import and export activities ,but that was suppressed via large payments of bribes. It is Parakrama Jinadasa , Upali Perera and Jagath Gunatileke of the Customs Industry and service division Authority who launched the investigations and also suppressed it , according to reports.
It was revealed in Parliament that ethanol traders make a net profit of about Rs. 150 million just from one container load of ethanol.
It is a common adage , where there is muck there is money. In Sri Lanka however where there is a crime there is always the SL criminal defense secretary behind it ,and where there is easy money there too he is present. This is the same defense secretary , Gotabaya the notorious grumpy who grins only at the sight of filthy lucre. Herein is a photograph which depicts shamelessly grinning Gotabaya the American citizen receiving Rs. 2.5 million cash ostensibly as a donation from ethanol crook Jayaratne , but which in fact is a bribe .
If Gota is true to his conscience and he received this money not to aid and abet illicit ethanol sales of Jayaratne , what he ought to do to prove he is above board is , resurrect the suppressed Customs investigation immediately ,and arrest Jayaratne.