Gota’s Billions represent only a ‘minute fraction’ of his illicit amassment - exposed in Parliament

(Lanka-e-News-29.June.2014, 11.30PM) The uncouth uneducated Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapakse who fled to America in fear of the war at a time he should have stuck back and fought for his country, and after over a decade returned to the motherland , has now after taking over the Urban development authority (UDA) had drowned that Institution in a deep sea of irredeemable debt amounting to Rs. 22.68 billion..! as revealed in Parliament . This shocking revelation was made by Minister Dinesh Gunawardena in parliament in response to a question raised by UNP M.P. Ravi Karunanayake.
It is the consensus, this is a financial debacle that is unsurprising and to be expected when a demented medically condemned individual like Gotabaya is put at the helm of a most important public Institution. In America he could not get more than a mediocre job when he went there after medically condemning himself while in the Sri Lankan army. But later when his brother became the President he made a bee line to the motherland to bask in the brother’s glory after staying put in America more than a decade without even making a single visit to the motherland let alone spare a thought for Sri Lanka.
Lands of commercial value in the cities including holy sites in all areas of the Island including Colombo, were acquired by the UDA under Gotabaya without paying even five cents to the owners. Now , this monumental financial fiasco involving several billions of rupees of indebtedness is because the UDA under uneducated uncouth Gota dabbled in various projects over which it had no knowledge or skill , it is learnt.
It is the soldiers of the three forces who were deployed by Gota for these projects. These soldiers who worked as carpenters , laborers, planners and masons were not paid any extra allowance. Consequently ,labor expenses were to a great extent saved. In these circumstances , it is a perplexing question ,how could the UDA plunge itself into this colossal debt of many billions ? The answer to this had not been furnished in Parliament by those responsible.
When we inquired into this , one government M.P. remarked , “what has got exposed is just an infinitesimal fraction of Gota’s ‘gehilla’ ( illicit under the counter amassment) “

It is the consensus, this is a financial debacle that is unsurprising and to be expected when a demented medically condemned individual like Gotabaya is put at the helm of a most important public Institution. In America he could not get more than a mediocre job when he went there after medically condemning himself while in the Sri Lankan army. But later when his brother became the President he made a bee line to the motherland to bask in the brother’s glory after staying put in America more than a decade without even making a single visit to the motherland let alone spare a thought for Sri Lanka.
Lands of commercial value in the cities including holy sites in all areas of the Island including Colombo, were acquired by the UDA under Gotabaya without paying even five cents to the owners. Now , this monumental financial fiasco involving several billions of rupees of indebtedness is because the UDA under uneducated uncouth Gota dabbled in various projects over which it had no knowledge or skill , it is learnt.
It is the soldiers of the three forces who were deployed by Gota for these projects. These soldiers who worked as carpenters , laborers, planners and masons were not paid any extra allowance. Consequently ,labor expenses were to a great extent saved. In these circumstances , it is a perplexing question ,how could the UDA plunge itself into this colossal debt of many billions ? The answer to this had not been furnished in Parliament by those responsible.
When we inquired into this , one government M.P. remarked , “what has got exposed is just an infinitesimal fraction of Gota’s ‘gehilla’ ( illicit under the counter amassment) “