Prof. Kumar David

Conspiracies theories abound; Dead Left Ministers summon small group meetings to warn of impending coup like developments. There is mayhem all round – the UNHRC probe, anti-Muslim pogroms, the
Jayalalithaa twin-landslide nightmare and infighting in the government. The most intense and sharply focussed manic moment is the assault on the Muslim community, its places of worship and Muslim businesses, plotted, programmed and provoked by extremist Buddhist monks. Is the BBS, or more muscular souls in clerical attire, simply doing its ‘thing’ (with help from here and there – and we know where) or is it a façade of a deeper plot? Conspiracy theories multiply when society and polity break down and mayhem widens. There is no shortage of rumour as arsonists ignite, police and military simply stand and watch or escort thugs, and the once mighty President and the bold Defence Secretary, who together trounced the bandit of the Vanni, pussyfoot in the likeness of virgin schoolgirls. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, to echo that troubled but noble prince. Is there a conspiracy or is it just chronic mayhem for the reason that the government has lost control?
The taxonomy of speculation falls into three genres; (a) a Black Hand preparing the ground for a crack down on democratic rights, (b) the
BBS and its ilk as a putative theocratic state, and (c) the usual anarchy and pandemonium thesis. None can be dismissed and reality is a blend, which is not to say that all are equally plausible. I will touch on plausibility and on the more important task of confronting and defeating these threats; but first let us explore a little more.
Black Hand or Yellow Peril?

Black Hand
The taxonomy of speculation falls into three genres; (a) a Black Hand preparing the ground for a crack down on democratic rights, (b) the
BBS and its ilk as a putative theocratic state, and (c) the usual anarchy and pandemonium thesis. None can be dismissed and reality is a blend, which is not to say that all are equally plausible. I will touch on plausibility and on the more important task of confronting and defeating these threats; but first let us explore a little more.