Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Illegal eviction of families residing at Wanathamulla

 Thursday, 30 January 2014 

wanathamulla 1The Standing Committee on Rule of Law of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka, condemns the action that is being taken by the Urban Development Authority to illegally evict families residing at Wanathamulla, Borella without resort to the law on acquisition of private property. 
What is of deep concern is the use of army personal to threaten and intimidate residents to vacate their premises.  This is in blatant violation of the law and in violation of the fundamental rights of the residents.  The UDA is bound to follow the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act in acquiring land for specific public purposes.

This is not an isolated incident and is seen as another incident of the use of the armed forces to violate the law and act arbitrarily.  This is seen as a continuation of the militarization of civil society that we see around us.
We call upon the government to immediately stop this illegal and unconstitutional process and to act according to the law of the country in acquiring private property.
We call upon civil society to be vigilant of the violation of rule of law and the militarization of society.
LAL WIJENAYAKE                                               PRIYANTHA GAMAGE
CHAIRMAN                                                          CONVENER