Fishing In Troubled Waters, Tamil Nadu And Sri Lanka

By S. Sivathasan -January 30, 2014 |
The Crisis
No fish to fish. This is the plain truth. This reality explains why the waters separating Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka continue to remain troubled. Though hyperbolical, it describes aptly and bluntly the true reason for the predicament of fishers. A phenomenon that holds for the world, is more pronounced in certain regions, notably Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. In recent times inadequate availability to sustain the fisher community has caused a major conflict between the two states. For these troubled waters, a truthful statement is hurtful. It finds lesser acceptance than euphemistic phrasings of declining resources and depleting stocks. So with little thought of an enduring resolution, attempts are made to contain the problem through arrests and confinement of the fishers by both sides.
Fish in Perspective
Global food fish production at 130 million tons is 34% of animal protein, compared to 250 million tons of meat – beef, pork and broiler + turkey. An estimated 55 million people are fishers and fish farmers The importance of fish as a food commodity and fishing as a means of livelihood are easily understood. There are also fears about current shortfalls and serious anxieties of future non-availability. They derive from over exploitation and stock depletion. These are better appreciated in the light of relevant statistics. Fishery resources under exploited at 86% in 1950, declined to 3% in 2000. Fully exploited of 14% rose to 34% in the same period. The picture applying to the world holds for Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka as well. Hence the intensifying conflict and calls for urgent resolution.
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