Sumanthiran Hits Out At Govt MPs For Allowing Rajapaksa Regime To Cause The Country To Fall Before Intl Community
December 5, 2013
M A Sumanthiran, Member of Parliament speaks on the stand of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) on the way the controversial Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) conducted the kangaroo style impeachment of Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake and family rule in Sri Lanka.

Sumanthiran makes some hard hitting arguments, emphasizing that the difficulties and embarrassment faced by Sri Lanka today, are largely due to the dishonesty, nepotism and bungling of the Rajapaksa regime. He urges Government MPs not to be blind followers of anyone – even the President.
He challenges MPs (especially Government MPs) to resist concentration of power in one family and tells the Government MPs that only grumbling about the rise of authoritarianism and looking over their shoulder is not enough. He says that it is the duty of Parliamentarians to protect democratic powers which should be exercised democratically, and not in a way that leads the country further into authoritarianism.
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Part – 1
Part – 2