Exclusive - Hacker took over BBC server, tried to ‘sell’ access on Christmas Day
By Jim Finkle

While it is not known if the hacker found any buyers, the BBC’s security
team responded to the issue on Saturday and believes it has secured the
site, according to a person familiar with the cleanup effort.
A BBC spokesman declined to discuss the incident. “We do not comment on security issues,” he said.
Reuters could not determine whether the hackers stole data or caused any
damage in the attack, which compromised a server that manages an
obscure password-protected website.
It was not clear how the BBC, the world’s oldest and largest broadcaster, uses that site, ftp.bbc.co.uk, though ftp systems are typically used to manage the transfer of large data files over the Internet.
The attack was first identified by Hold Security LLC, a cybersecurity
firm in Milwaukee that monitors underground cyber-crime forums in search
of stolen information.
The firm’s researchers observed a notorious Russian hacker known by the
monikers “HASH” and “Rev0lver,” attempting to sell access to the BBC
server on December 25, the company’s founder and chief information
security officer, Alex Holden, told Reuters.
"HASH" sought to convince high-profile hackers that he had infiltrated
the site by showing them files that could only be accessed by somebody
who really controlled it, Holden said.
So far Hold Security researchers have found no evidence the
conversations led to a deal or that data was stolen from the BBC, Holden
It is common for hackers to buy and sell access to compromised servers on underground forums.
Buyers view the access as a commodity that grants them the chance to
further penetrate the victim organisation. They can also use compromised
servers to set up command-and-control centres for cyber-crime
operations known as botnets, run spam campaigns or launch denial of
service attacks to knock websites off line.
The BBC offer stands out because the media company is such a
high-profile organisation, Holden said. “It’s definitely a notch in
someone’s belt.”
BBC has some 23,000 staff and is funded largely by license fees paid by every British household with a television.
Justin Clarke, a principal consultant for the cybersecurity firm Cylance
Inc, said that while “HASH” was only offering access to an obscure ftp
server, some buyers might see it as a stepping stone to more prized
assets within the BBC.
"Accessing that server establishes a foothold within BBC’s network which
may allow an attacker to pivot and gain further access to internal BBC
resources," he said.
Media companies, including the BBC, have repeatedly been targeted by the
Syrian Electronic Army, which supports Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad, and other hacker activist groups that deface websites and take
over Twitter accounts.
Last January the New York Times reported that it had been repeatedly
attacked over four months by Chinese hackers who obtained employees’
(Additional reporting by Belinda Goldsmith in London and Mark Hosenball in Washington; Editing by Ross Colvin and Eric Beech)