Changing Face Of Tamil Nadu
In the eye of a Tamil poet how does Tamil Nadu appear? To Prof. Sundarampillai scholar and poet; “The sea girt globe is a damsel draped in blue. Bharat is her face ever beaming with beauty. Therein shining in all radiance is her crescent like forehead, the Dravidian State. As central attraction is the tilakam that is Tamil Nadu and Tamil is the fragrance emanating therefrom. Perched in this setting is the Tamil Maiden full of perennial charm, spreading mirth all around with glory effusing in every direction”.
Change and Renewal
This is Tamil Nadu, the land of Tamil and of the Tamils into whose serenity modernity is entering at an incredible yet welcome pace. A blend of the old and the new has made for a harmonious balance at all times and in many spheres. Literary evidence accessible to all who inquire makes it clear that continuity is a hallmark in the history of the Tamils. They have displayed a resilience to retain the valued of the past while absorbing the best of the modern. A line from an ancient grammatical treatise conveys succinctly their attitude and approach: “There is no inconsistency in the exit of the old and the entry of the new. They are but an index of the time”. The ancient, the medieval and the modern thriving coterminously in Tamil Nadu show both telescoping and supersession. This induces the erroneous notion among some that if Tamils change perpetually, they cannot remain the same. Herein lies their uniqueness in retention, absorption, adaptation and transformation.
Golden Times

Ramanujan City on the right with Conference Hall and Residential Complex under construction in the foreground. On the left is Tidel Park. Both are at Tharamani in the heart of the city.
In the vibrancy of the language and in exquisite literature is portrayed the genius of the people. Two millennia of assimilation, growth and continuity have made Tamil both classical and modern, conferring the prestige of the oldest living language. The land, her people their language and literature have seen many a vicissitude. Sangam Age – circa 1 to 3 AD – and Chola Period – 9 to 12 AD, were golden times. The third, wished for with independence is set to be reached in less than half a century. A composite range of attributes have now begun to seep into the people’s consciousness, their values, outlook, attitude and lifestyle. They have now begun to factor them into their present and for their future. Read More