Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 Top 20: Our Most Popular Posts of the Year

Photo courtesy Vikalpa
GroundviewsThe 20 most read posts on Groundviews over the course of 2013. Numbers in italics indicate pageviews since the article was published, accurate at the time of publication.
  1. CHOGM 2013: A lie well told 14,463 
  2. Coercive Population Control in Kilinochchi 13,476 
  3. Mohammed Irshad’s story and the banality of violence in the Rajapaksa regime12,485 
  4. The niqab and the University of Moratuwa 11,320
  5. A Guide to Colombo for CHOGM 2013 10,611
  6. A letter to President Rajapakse from Nelson Mandela 9,550
  7. Bodu Bala Sena: A Threat To Sri Lanka’s Future 9,513
  8. Sunila Abeysekera: 1952 – 2013 8,138
  9. The Al Jazeera interview with Mahinda Rajapaksa: Calling the bluff 7,822
  10. Bodu Bala Senā and Buddhism’s militant face in Sri Lanka 6,564
  11. Police in Sri Lanka show their true saffron colours 5,868
  12. Sheep No More… 5,707
  13. Gotabaya Rajapaksa: Are you listening? 5,109
  14. The Numbers Never Lie: A Comprehensive Assessment of Sri Lanka’s LLRC Progress 4,443
  15. Helping the Police arrest brutish “monks” in Sri Lanka 3,853
  16. Sri Lanka’s Numbers Game 3,709
  17. A Tolerant Sri Lanka: How far will we go? 3,594
  18. Nepotism visualised: The Rajapaksa tentacles in Sri Lanka 3,580
  19. An unprecedented constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka elicits a yawn 3,510
  20. The Numbers Never Lie: A Quick Look at Sri Lanka’s LLRC Progress 3,493
For a round-up of content published over 2013, please read this post.