Starting point of non-cooperation struggle

After staging one of the worst genocides humanity has seen–this time a paradigm setting one experimented jointly by all the major Establishments of the world–a torturing structural genocide is now conducted almost as a daily routine against the remaining Eezham Tamils and their nation in the island. This is facilitated by an agenda agreed upon and legitimised at Geneva by the ultimate culprits, especially New Delhi and Washington. The pressure that is now exerted on Tamil leaders to accept the 13th Amendment or any provincial deception under the unitary constitution of the genocidal State, whether in the guise of a ‘starting point’ or not, aims at making Tamils to confirm their own genocide. In the last four years both New Delhi and Washington proved nothing in stopping the structural genocide, but demonstrated only to the contrary, commented a Tamil activist for alternative politics.
Further comments from the activist in the island:
Ancient texts of India talk of four strategies in facing adversaries: Saama (peaceful approach), Daana (donation), Bheda (show of difference/ non-cooperation) and Danda (armed action).
A Saama or peaceful struggle of decades failed with genocidal Colombo, Even the peaceful pleadings of Tamils in the last four years fell on an international community pretending deaf and blind, but actively competing in facilitating the genocidal State. Of course, the Tamils don’t have anything to give as Daana now, as everything is occupied and seized. The IC tilting the balance has crushed Danda, the armed struggle.
In their long struggle, if the Tamils have not given any serious consideration to a strategy so far, that is the third one, Bheda (non-cooperation), and that is the only one they could do now in spearheading the struggle. Mahatma Gandhi made an effective use of the strategy in the struggle against a world empire.
Tamils in the island, in Tamil Nadu and in the diaspora should have no hesitation in boldly showing Bheda to the ultimate culprits, who because of their own interests or because of the need to appease the Sinhala State for their interests, dare to talk to the genocide-affected nation of Eezham Tamils to ‘start’ with unitary solutions.
Eezham Tamils and their politicians should never forget that the genocide was staged and is being continued by New Delhi, which they were always looking upon as saviour, and by the Washington-led West with which they never had any qualms in history. Yet the two didn’t hesitate on staging the genocide. It is time to ask that how could we ‘cooperate’ any further with our own genocide.
Detractors of non-cooperation and advocates of collaboration have been planted among Tamils at every place.
Those who advocate ‘cooperation’ with the provincial model in a unitary State as a ‘starting point,’ know well and have seen well, how the model, especially after the war, has become the starting point of a bulldozing structural genocide in the East. Yet they speak of ‘starting’ that in the North too. They are also prepared to welcome the unitary constitution giving special status to Buddhism proposed by the UNP, in order to satisfy the ‘regime change’ masters. Rather than exposing them, Tamils expect that they should mend their ways.
In the inevitability of not shunning the Northern PC election and in facing the ground realities, the TNPF leader, Mr Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam advises open denouncement of the model even as a starting point, and to field a set of independent and committed candidates commonly supported by the Tamil national parties.
Either through such an elected body or by other means in other eventualities, Eezham Tamils should plan and be ready for a non-cooperation struggle.
The PC deception should never be allowed to provide excuse to an anti-humanity Commonwealth of Establishments that will be meeting at the backyard of Rajapaksa this November, or to serve the enactment of another round of confirmation of genocide at Geneva by Washington and New Delhi.
In their struggle, Tamils need not worry about the ‘bear hug’ of Beijing or ‘economic expansion’ ambitions of New Delhi or ‘regime change’ imperialism of the USA that aim at sustaining the genocidal State, because none of them would ideologically or otherwise justify the credibility of these Establishments in the long run. Eezham Tamils have a universal case for humanity and they should succeed if they are fearless in showing non-cooperation with injustice, and if the global Tamils cast their weight in the process.
Genocide exhibitions take place across Canadian universities

A series of mobile exhibitions, portraying the genocide of Tamils, were held in several locations in Canada.
The ‘Thazhumbakam’ (Tamil Genocide Memorial Museum) exhibitions, showed various aspects of the structural genocide through paintings.The exhibitions were held in McMaster University, Carleton University, Ryerson University Library, York - York University, Waterloo University, the Civic Centre in Markham and in Toronto’s Queens Park.